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The Economy of Singularity

When You Are Unique, You Are Self-Evident

Here’s why you will benefit more from deepening who you are rather than trying to be like others.

The Apparent Economy of Singularity

The world is slowly moving away from the industrial paradigm, which considered similarity as the ultimate good. While the idea of being different has gradually taken hold in an increasingly saturated market, this necessity didn’t stem from natural singularity but rather from a desire to stand out in response to external constraints. Behind an apparent dissimilarity, companies used the same processes, the same methods, with employees trained in the same schools to market products made in the same countries. This phenomenon is part of the socialization that sees human singularity meld into the social mold, seeking security and the possibility of reproduction.

The World of Tomorrow Will Be Built on True Singularity

While today we are living in a paradigm of superficial singularity, the coming world will truly embrace authenticity. There is no better way to stand out in the era of the economy of singularity than to fully work on becoming oneself. In an age where AI is making a grand entrance, there’s no other option but to become the best version of yourself, or risk being overtaken by entities capable of ingeniously creating the illusion of singularity through processes that, for now, only AIs have mastered.

The Economy of Singularity

The economy of singularity goes against the current trend. The idea is to minimize reliance on AIs that dehumanize and can lead to homogenization through the proliferation of content they generate. Instead, it is about allowing humans to truly connect with other humans. Only by being the most authentic version of ourselves can we help others fulfill this need. If we were to find a synonym closest to singularity, it might be the concept of authenticity. What allows two humans to connect is the ability to express their true nature genuinely.

Vulnerability as the Path to Authenticity

If authenticity is a difficult concept to grasp and materialize because it is somewhat abstract and unique to each person, there is a more concrete value undeniably conducive to its realization: vulnerability. Authenticity is manifested through the expression of our vulnerability. Being vulnerable means taking the risk of not following the crowd, of expressing your difference even if it leads to rejection. It is often out of a concern for safety and, therefore, a form of fear that we choose to adopt someone else’s appearance. Not wanting to be excluded from the human group, we tend to show a smooth and somewhat dull face. By doing so, we may potentially mimic what AIs already do, thereby losing our singularity in the eyes of other humans.

The Necessity of Disintermediation

If AIs have gained prominence, it is primarily because intermediaries through which we communicate and interact have also become dominant. It is because we have largely ceased direct communication with humans that AIs have taken on such importance. If we moderate or even halt intermediation, AIs will no longer hold this dominant position.

What Will the Economy of Singularity Look Like?

This concept will no longer dissociate the entrepreneur from their creation. We are already witnessing this through what is called “personal branding.” This concept is the first step toward a more encompassing notion. While personal branding is an important step, it is only a stage in the progression towards an economy of singularity. The growth of businesses in the era of singularity parallels personal growth. Someone who progresses as an individual will inevitably see their business progress under this model. The economy itself will be characterized by extreme differentiation. Of course, this model will initially apply to specific sectors like education or craftsmanship, but it will gradually extend to all industries. What may seem most surprising is that it will even apply to commodities not typically associated with singularity. For instance, you won’t just go to any gas station to refuel; you’ll go to “Brian’s,” where you know the values and who offers impeccable service to his customers. You might say that this already exists, but let me explain further.

The Split Between AI Bastions and Human Domains

The previous example of a gas station may not be the most relevant. What will happen is a likely sharp division of the economy: one where humans will have been ousted, another where they will continue to work, and likely a hybrid space between these two entities. This separation will also be reflected in different professional profiles. There will be workers compatible with AIs who will benefit—probably in the short term—from their relationship with AIs, before likely being replaced. Then there will be those incompatible with AIs who will continue working because their jobs do not require collaboration with AIs. I should also mention a third category, consisting of the unemployed—those people whom AIs will have already replaced. It doesn’t seem strategically wise to opt for a career based on complementarity with AIs, as sooner or later, they may find a way to replace these same professionals (e.g., mathematicians or analysts, already outperformed by AI, whose high salaries could lead to a resurgence of AI in their fields).

AI or the Industrialization of Intelligence

What we must understand is that AI represents the industrialization of intelligence, much like factories in the 19th century industrialized human labor. Just a few years ago, such a thing seemed impossible. Intelligence, which once held value, has now become a commodity. What should we do if ideas and cognitive work are no longer worth much? This is an existential question for our generation, one that we must tackle if we want to stay competitive in the years to come.

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