The race for productivity against machines seems to be lost. Our linear learning capacity will never be able to compete with the exponential progress of technology. So how do we find our place in this fast-paced world? Go Where No One Goes When the situation becomes risky, you can play it safe or you can go off the beaten path.…
+Year: 2023
Explore And Learn More
As you know, the world is changing fast, but at the same time, it is the experts in their field who dominate. To cultivate agility and excellence, you need to cultivate two verbs: explore and deepen. Exploring Too Much Society pushes us to become zappers, to stay on the surface of things. This characteristic is bad because it prevents us…
+Should We Act As If We Will Never Be Cancelled?
The culture of cancellation is strong today. We all live with a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads: maybe one day, what we have said or done during our lives will be disowned and criticized by those who follow us. Do we have to live with fear in our stomachs to escape a future popular vindication? The culture of…
+Why You Should Never Stop Learning New Languages?
Learning a language opens a door to the world. It is easy to understand why it is useful to acquire a second language, which will allow you to better understand your contemporaries. There are proven benefits to learning languages. Here are 14 reasons to become a polyglot. You’ll become smarter Speaking a language stimulates our brain differently if it is…
+Do You Talk To God Often?
The need to relate to the transcendent is anchored in each of us, that said, spirituality is expressed in various ways. There are religions without God (Buddhism), with or without clergy, rigid or not. Everyone can find the spirituality that suits them if they make the effort to look for it. The Search For God Often Comes From Loneliness Loneliness…
+How Can You Exercise When You Don’t Have Time To Do So?
Physical exercise is a major health issue even though many people underestimate its benefits. Sport is our ally for life when it comes to health. Of course, not just any sport and not in any condition. Some sports can indeed be bad for the joints in the long term and others cause irreversible damage to the brain (boxing etc.) if…
+The Coat Of Arms
You are what you repeatedly do. Each person is unique in part because they are a sum of good and bad habits. In itself, each habit can be diagrammed as an image that when put together with others makes a patchwork quilt, a coat of arms, what you are fighting for. The Coat Of Arms The coat of arms represents…
+Are You A Good Friend?
We all want to surround ourselves with good people. That said, you should be familiar with the expressions “whoever looks alike, gathers” or “you can’t attract flies with vinegar”. In other words, you are responsible for the quality of your entourage, you naturally attract people who look like you. To Change Friends, We Must Improve What We Are Since we…
+Here Is The Quality You Must Have If You Want To Succeed As An Entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur is both a dream for some and an insurmountable challenge for others. To succeed in this field, you must be able to put all the chances on your side. If it is true that having material and financial resources can be an undeniable asset, they cannot be of much help if you are missing the main ingredient…
+Do Only One Thing A Day
In the chaos of everyday life, we easily get caught up in unimportant or non-urgent things. The problem with this is that we quickly lose the essentials. If you think your productivity is optimal, wait and read more of this article. There is a book called “The One Thing” that advocates that any day can be reduced to its one…