Growing up in a family that gives a place to spirituality is not everyone’s luck. Often, we live our lives having omitted this dimension of our lives until the day we face a serious existential or personal crisis. It is insincere and even dangerous to throw oneself headlong into a spiritual life without having been initiated into it beforehand. One…
+Year: 2023
Wellness Is Discipline
Happiness is not doing what you love but loving what you do. Nothing really important is acquired without time and effort. On the other hand, you learn to love something through repetition. Discipline As Skill Acquisition We generally like to do what we are good at. But to acquire dexterity or expertise in a field, it takes time. Therein lies…
+Do People Like You More For Your Flaws Than Your Qualities?
A flaw is an asperity, that is to say, something that gives both depth and a possibility to hold on to. In a word, it gives contentment. It is also what makes us particularly human. A flaw can sometimes contain a quality, but the reverse is always true. Do people love us more for our defects than for our qualities?…
+You are already dead!
One thing is certain, we will all die one day. However, many people act as if they were immortal. It is much wiser to live as if death was already within us, like a poison that was inoculated into us at birth and that would inevitably bring us closer to this fateful end. The awareness of death connects you to…
+Getting Closer To Perfection Is Not Now But In 5 Years
We tend to overestimate the results we can achieve in the short term while underestimating the results we can achieve in the long term. Perfection is not an end in itself, it’s just a target towards which to strive to make ourselves better. The Cumulative Effect Of Our Actions If you do something every day for a long time, it…
+Enjoy Your Anonymity
Celebrities envy you. They don’t know what it’s like to stroll anonymously through a market and meet the indifferent eyes of onlookers. They’ve forgotten about those vacations in tourist places where not a single person calls out to them to take a picture or to get their autograph. Certainly, fame has many advantages and probably much more than the life…
+“You Are Paid In Direct Proportion To The Difficulty Of The Problems You Solve.” Elon Musk
If you look around, people’s salaries mostly follow this rule. Moreover, Musk’s will to solve the problem of the survival of the human species by making man a being with a multiplanetary civilization (via SpaceX and the colonization of Mars) could explain why he was once the richest man on the planet (it was actually thanks to the explosion of…
+War Is Only A Question Of Economy
The merits of warriors on the battlefield are often praised; some of their exploits have been able to turn the tide of war and at the same time of history. However, this image is that of another time, warriors have become soldiers and the strength of an army today lies in the productive capacity of the countries that support it.…
+Every Day Is A Life
There is morning, afternoon, evening and night. There is birth, adulthood, old age and death. A life and a day are alike. We have as much to learn from our day as from life. What if approaching the day as we approach life could help us live better? The Day Is Precious If life is precious, it is because it…
+Are Production And Fulfillment Antinomic?
At first glance, productivity is built at the expense of our fulfillment. Reaching high goals implies sacrificing personal time to devote oneself fully to one’s efforts. However, there are important cultural differences between countries regarding work and between eras. Very early in Europe, especially among the Greeks, work was reserved only for slaves and therefore it was frowned upon to…