The human brain is designed to protect itself and anticipate dangers. This negativity bias prevents us from seeing the world in an optimistic light. We tend to remember only the bad things we have done. This is why it is necessary to make a conscious effort to improve the positive perception we have of ourselves. We Always Regret Our Bad…
+Year: 2023
Knowledge Needs To Be Embodied In Action…
… the rest can stay stored on computer servers There is a growing gap between the knowledge stored on computer servers and the knowledge stored in the heads of humans. Previously, when only books could store knowledge, humans could still compete with these “storage spaces” by dedicating their lives to scholarship. Moreover, much knowledge was not stored in books because…
+Acquiring Virtue Through Constraint
We are often not virtuous by nature but because of our constraints. It is simply the difficulty that has forced us to be more virtuous. It is said in the Bible that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven. Why is…
+Free Yourself From A Little Guilt
A good indicator of how good a person is is their propensity to feel guilt. Someone without guilt is usually selfish and malicious. So there is good in feeling guilt. Similarly, guilt is such an unpleasant emotion that it usually pushes us to do the right thing and correct a bad act. However, feeling guilt all the time is suffocating…
+Do You Pay Attention To Your Reputation?
Reputation Is A Rather Vague Concept And Most People Claim Not To Pay Attention To It. What Is It Really? Reputation Is Linked To Our Need To Belong Whether we like it or not, we are all influenced by our awareness of our reputation. The simple fact of having friends or receiving the esteem of our family leads us to…
+What Will The Next Generation Look Like?
To destroy a crop, you just have to destroy a generation. This technique was practiced by the British in their colonies (see Stolen Generation in Australia and Canada). There is also another way to break a culture, it is by exterminating the carriers. Today, it seems that a new mass culture carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.…
+Is Your Skin In The Game?
There are two ways to go into business. One involves going in timidly, the other is all-in. Where do you fall? There is no spectrum, it’s black or white, all or nothing. Playing in your own skin allows you to become one with your cause and tap into a newfound resourcefulness you never knew you had. Imagine two generals: one…
+To Be Productive You Have To Know How To Be Unproductive
Become Like A Spring A spring draws its strength from the fact that it is not always tense or relaxed. It is the alternation of these two states that guarantees its optimal performance. The same is true of human productivity, starting with your brain. Your brain works in two worlds: focus and diffuse. When you work intensely on a subject,…
+Choose The Difficult Because It Shows You The Way
Most of the time in life, we have a choice between an easy and a difficult option. In order to progress, we must force ourselves to take on challenges from time to time, otherwise we risk stagnating. The Flow Flow is a psychic state in which our brain functions optimally. To reach flow, two conditions must be met: to have…
+If The British Had Been Able To Integrate The Subjects Of The Empire, Perhaps India Would Still Be British Today
Gandhi is a good example of a failed assimilation. A rather mediocre student as a child, he undertook the ambitious project of going to England to become a lawyer for her Majesty. After three years of study, he achieved his goal and for him, full integration into the British elite was a matter of course. What a shock it was…