There are 2 levels of trust: there’s trust based on nothingness, narcissism and ignorance, and there’s trust based on true knowledge expressed through action. Beware Of Ignorant Trust By definition, when you’re ignorant yourself, you can interpret people’s confidence as the mark of a profound knowledge of things and of life in general. We can therefore be fooled by appearances.…
+Year: 2023
The 3% Rule In Relationships
It’s not easy to know right away if the person we’re dealing with is trustworthy or of high quality. In most cases, our intuition is either dormant or simply a poor advisor. Given this situation, we need to apply the 3% rule. The 3% rule It’s a simple rule, stating that you should only make decisions in 3% of cases…
+Do We Really Have The Choice Not To Play The Status Game?
Wherever we are, regardless of our age, we are subject to the game of status. Most of the time, this game is unconscious; we play it without even knowing. The rules change depending on the environment we’re in. In essence, we play multiple status games depending on whether we’re with family, at school, or at our workplace. Status: a central…
+You’ll Begin To Understand What Success Is When You Follow Your Own Path To Greatness
Success is what everyone strives for. We strive for status and recognition. In doing so, we emulate those we believe to be successful. But what if true success is about following your own path to greatness? Before You Can Make Your Own Path, You Have To Follow The Path Of Others We need to copy the people around us when…
+Try To Understand The Messages God Sends You
God talks to you all the time, but most of the time we don’t tune in to receive his messages. It’s a bit like a satellite transmitting a signal all the time, but you don’t use a satellite dish to pick up the information. God Speaks To You, But First You Have To Recognize It First and foremost, there’s no…
+3 Criteria For Finding Your Ideal Partner
When you’re thinking of getting married, you mustn’t define the 1,000 qualities your future partner will possess, or you’ll find yourself alone for the rest of your life. On the contrary, you should define three qualities on which you won’t compromise. You’re not perfect, so don’t strive for perfection There’s a fundamental law in the universe called the law of…
+If You Find It Hard To Talk To God, Talk To His Ministers
The essence of monotheistic religions is the idea that there can be a direct and permanent connection to God. However, in these same monotheisms there is the notion of the angel, a kind of being close to God who enjoys a relatively high level of consciousness. In other traditions, connection to God may be via deities. The Analogy Of A…
+What If You Had To Start Over Again?
Several Lives In One It’s an illusion to believe that we won’t have to start from scratch one day or another. Life is littered with challenges that must be met one at a time. If you’re advanced in one area, you’re a beginner in many others, and that’s normal. See Life As A Video Game You’ve probably played RPGs or…
+A Trick To Instant Happiness
You’re going to die one day. It’s a reality you can’t ignore, even if everyone lives as if they were immortal. The soul is permanent, even if you grow old, your soul remains the same, it can only be tainted by your actions. Imagine now that you’re 95 years old. Most of your friends have passed away. Your parents, grandparents…
+Key ideas of Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
In today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven world, finding the right balance between work and rest has become increasingly important. “Rest” explores various perspectives on the significance of rest and how it contributes to our creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. From emphasizing the benefits of starting early and engaging in deep work to the power of napping and sabbaticals, as well as…