Whether we like it or not, we all aspire to a form of eternity, it is our conscience that orders us to do so. The question is whether we should aspire to physical immortality. Immortality is an imitation God. Man is a mixture between two substances, animal and divine. The quest for immortality amounts to suppressing our animal dimension to…
+Year: 2021
How to avoid comparing yourself to others?
Comparisons are a source of unhappiness One of the recurrent causes of unhappiness is often the tendency we have to compare ourselves with others. When we are dissatisfied, we look outside for reasons to feel better, simply by observing people in worse situations, we immediately feel better. In the end, this attitude amounts to rejoicing in the misfortune of others…
+How to Keep the People Who Matter in Your Life
Happiness in one’s life often comes from the quality of the people around us. The problem is that we sometimes get caught up in a fog and confusion that prevents us from being discerning. Let’s look at some principles to apply to allow the people who matter to remain present, despite the difficulties inherent in any relationship. The need to…
+To do good, it is most often enough to avoid doing evil
Finding inspiration from Buddhist wisdom According to the Buddhist tradition, there are ten evil actions, also called non-virtuous. They generate negative karma that hinders our spiritual progress and ultimately impedes the path to enlightenment. If you don’t know what to do and you want to contribute to the good around you, it is sometimes easier to refrain from doing evil.…
+The importance of keeping a good reference of values
It’s not easy to avoid the comparison game when meeting friends or talking to colleagues at work. We are all in a race but we don’t want to cross the same finish line. It is commonly our values that guide our path and tell us which course to take. Values evolve over time and are influenced by various factors. In…
+The burdens you don’t know you have
Your strengths are often burdens that can be a disadvantage in the long run. There are qualities that we want to have without noticing that they can generate other defects, let’s see some trends. Beauty Beauty, especially if you are a woman, brings all kinds of advantages. The world is like that, women are looking for security in their partner…
+How not to go crazy?
I warn you I don’t have a clear answer, there are professionals for that. Nevertheless, we can explore together some tracks. First of all, it is good to remember that we think most often to limit our psychological suffering. There are different mechanisms that are put in place by our brain and that serve to find a circuitous route in…
+Fighting depression
It is sometimes difficult to get back on track. We feel caught in a spiral that keeps pulling us down despite our best efforts to get out of it. What can we do when what surrounds us has a negative effect on our lives? Should we persevere in a path if it seems to be going nowhere? First and foremost,…
+Should you stay where you are not welcome?
There is a Chinese proverb which says that it is not good to stay in a place where you are not accepted or welcome. At first sight, this phrase suggests a lack of persistence or courage in human relationships. However, it may be argued that this is not entirely untrue. Why waste time or energy with people who don’t value…
+The importance of setting goals when you are a beginner
What distinguishes an expert from a beginner is the number and extent of accomplishments in a field. A master in a discipline no longer has any real goal per se, other than to continue to live and “breathe” his art. His deliberate practice has enabled him to render all the skills associated with his discipline unconscious. His transformation has taken…