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Educate Yourself As If You Were A King Or Queen

What distinguishes the education of kings from that of ordinary people?  It is the teacher’s attention, which is not the same. Typically, in a classroom, the teacher’s attention is divided among students, distributed more or less equally depending on the teacher’s preferences. A king, on the other hand, is educated almost exclusively by tutors, which means that he benefits from…


Lord of the Flies

Between Reason and Instinct The story presents a symbolic battle between reason and instinct, two opposing tendencies that clash when the structures imposed by civilization collapse. This shift will lead to total chaos in the following chapters, providing the basis for the later tragedies that mark the story. In Lord of the Flies, the descent into barbarism is a critical phase…


“The Road of Time”, Philippe Guillemant

General SynthesisPhilippe Guillemant’s Theory of Double Causality is an ambitious attempt to rethink our understanding of time and reality. By blending scientific concepts, such as the multiverse and simultaneity, with a human dimension rooted in intention and synchronicities, this theory opens new perspectives on how we influence our destiny and comprehend our universe.It not only challenges classical scientific paradigms but…


The Best Decision You Can Make Is to Invest in Your Wisdom

Poor life decisions are often attributable to fear, greed, or sensuality – in other words, a lack of wisdom. In retrospect, our bad decisions have almost always been justified by one of these three things. Therefore, to optimize decision-making, one should simply invest in their own wisdom. Fortune Favors the Enlightened Sage It’s often said that chance favors the prepared…


Becoming Antifragile

The Grail of existence is to become antifragile, meaning to become stronger after each shock, much like the muscles of a bodybuilder after each workout. Why is it important to become antifragile, and why is it so difficult to achieve? Antifragility allows us to navigate an uncertain world and benefit from it. As biological beings made of carbon, we naturally…


Re-Learning Your Dharma

You came to Earth for a reason—and it’s something you chose yourself. You don’t remember it, but before incarnating, you carefully chose where you would be born. Every incarnation gives you the chance to become a better person. It is, in part, through suffering that you learn the most important lessons. Are you despairing today over not having better parents…


AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

“AI 2041” presents a unique approach combining Kai-Fu Lee’s technical expertise and Chen Qiufan’s narrative creativity to explore the future of artificial intelligence towards 2041. In his introduction, Kai-Fu Lee shares his personal journey with AI, dating back to his beginnings four decades ago. He reminds us that while AI may seem like a 21st-century technology, its origins trace back…


What You Don’t Do Is as Important as What You Do

Productivity is often associated with completing an ever-growing list of tasks. However, this endless list can feel overwhelming and unfulfilling—even when everything on it is checked off. True productivity lies just as much in not doing as it does in doing. To achieve this balance, one needs to exercise discernment and clarity. Choosing not to do certain things is just as crucial as…
