Level 0: No Creation, Training, Execution This is a task or job that consists of the pure execution of instruction. To perform these tasks, it is sufficient to apply the instructions in a more or less detailed manual to complete a task. This type of work could be that of a teleoperator in which it is sufficient to follow a…
+Category: Lifestyle
How Can Society See Nature Differently?
Why aren’t we shifting massively to a hippie-like lifestyle? We know that nature is not doing so well. We also know our children may have a tough life because of the actions of previous generations. Why aren’t we concerned about what’s going on in the wild? Do we really care about the environment or are we just trying to be…
+Jesus The Most Powerful Of The Indigent
What does the life of Jesus teach us? If Jesus came back to earth today, would he be followed or simply listened to by those who call themselves Christians? Probably not. Why not? How is Jesus’ life so different from ours? What can we learn from him? If Jesus passed into posterity, it is above all because he lived an…
+What Does It Mean To Be A Gentleman Today?
‘Gentleman’ is the literal translation from the French “gentilhomme”, meaning kind and gentle man. Was kindness really an attribute that was associated to gentlemen? It was so, initially. This trait was highlighted to distinguish oneself from other non-noble people who were portrayed as boorish and mean. A gentleman, unlike peasants, lived in the city. His ancestors were warriors but he…
+We Judge A Doctrine By Its Fruits
We might be perplexed and doubtful, are we following the right track? Are we are heading in a direction in which we’re really secure? This occurs when we don’t clearly see our values. When you want to make a decision, you need to do it according to your core values. The problem is that our day-to-day life may divert us…
+Learn What To Lose
Achieving a big goal is more a matter of giving something away rather than acquiring: to get something, you need to choose. We are somehow told that we can get anything, without telling us that to do so we have to be ready to sacrifice everything. That’s why growing as an individual means knowing what we are ready to let…
+Why Do We Forget The Power Of Games When We Grow Up?
Something that characterizes each child on planet Earth is the capacity to have fun and play no matter what their cultural background. We tend to forget that games are an essential part of our journey to adulthood. Does that mean that we are no longer able to have fun while learning? Not at all, it’s just that we are told…
+Do: The Way, Get Inspired By Japanese Philosophies
You may know judo, kendo, karate-do (full name of karate), meaning respectively the way of flexibility, the way of the sword, and the the way of the empty hand. So why such names? Basically, ancient Japanese thought saw life like a pathway that was unique for each person. This is partly due to the cast system shaped by Japanese feudality. It…
+Why Will Your Children be Minimalist?
The trend of any social and cutural behavior has always emerged among a little community of like-minded people who are able to transform the rest of the society. These groups are commonly called early adopters. They represent a vanguard of the whole population. They seem extreme and do not compromise with their lifestyle and that’s actually why they are able…
+Why Tomorrow Belongs to Social Entrepreneurs
We are born to be entrepreneurs Humanity has almost always been made up of independent workers, whether through hunting, gathering, crafting or war(via mercenaries). It is only very recently that men have been employed by other men. We are not genetically born to be employees. The Darwinian evolution gives us a strong aversion to risk, and thus we are inclined…