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Fighting is also an act of love

Love, as a level of consciousness, is systematically associated with non-violence. Yet, refraining from violence in certain situations can mean failing in one’s duty of love. Courage comes from the heart Acting with love means acting with courage by definition (the etymological meaning of the word “courage”). When you live in constant non-violence, you must ask yourself whether you do…


The Best Decision You Can Make Is to Invest in Your Wisdom

Poor life decisions are often attributable to fear, greed, or sensuality – in other words, a lack of wisdom. In retrospect, our bad decisions have almost always been justified by one of these three things. Therefore, to optimize decision-making, one should simply invest in their own wisdom. Fortune Favors the Enlightened Sage It’s often said that chance favors the prepared…


Re-Learning Your Dharma

You came to Earth for a reason—and it’s something you chose yourself. You don’t remember it, but before incarnating, you carefully chose where you would be born. Every incarnation gives you the chance to become a better person. It is, in part, through suffering that you learn the most important lessons. Are you despairing today over not having better parents…
