It is said that we may have reached the sixth stage of massive extinction. This one is said to be caused by human beings, which explains why it is called ‘anthropocene’ (Anthropos meaning human being and cene means new, which relates to the new era on a geological term). I wonder somehow if we should really call this era in…
+Category: Reflection
Is It Rightful To Blame Religious Communitarianism?
The willingness of a group of people to secede from mainstream society is a phenomenon observable across five continents. Most often this withdrawal from the rest of society can be linked to religion, but not always. To list some examples, the secessionists could be Amish, Orthodox Jews, Salafists, or survivalists. Why is that? Mainly because they are in opposition with…
+MMA : really Mixed Martial Arts?
It seems we became exposed in the recent years to the least respectful behaviours and most abject conducts in a sport known as MMA. How is it possible to let this subject be called “artist”? Is there any relationship between an artistic painter and an MMA fighter? Actually, it should have a meaning, because indeed, martial arts are artistic. They…
+What Is A Yellow Vest?
He (or she) could be you and or me. They play within the rules but they realize that people who rule them don’t. A yellow vest is someone who doesn’t know exactly where he or she wants to go. However, a YV knows that he no longer wants to head for in the same direction. A YV is in…
+Selling Your Decency
A new lifestyle has emerged, the one of influencers. But what do they really influence? Are they aware of the negative consequences they are having on youth? Why is that so many young girls and boys just want to become famous and live without contributing to the world in a positive way? People are getting fooled, thinking that a life…
+Trade Your Time For Meaningfulness Not For Business
We are taught since a young age that we need to succeed in our life, this explains why we have become obsessed by success while forgetting what is really important. Gurus from any media insist on the pursuit of money which can lead to lasting happiness. That’s partly true, you need to have a certain degree of financial success to…
+What Country Are You Born For?
You were born somewhere and you may simply be unhappy about the place you’re living in. Have you ever thought that the country where you’re living in is comparable as your life partner: you may be made for it or not. Since a country has many characteristics that make it unique (like weather, language, political system, mentalities, wealth, culture, education…
+Why Is Arrogance The Opposite Of Pride?
Pride may be defined as a sense of deep respect for oneself, in another word, it is the love of oneself. Out of this feeling, we are inclined to express compassion, love and esteem towards others. We may understand that there is a direct relationship between the way we deal with ourselves and the way we treat others: internal respect…
+The World Is Still A Sum Of Particular Interests
Is it not frustrating to notice that it is still so difficult today to empower human beings to change their behavior towards nature? What is the reason that explains this failure as well as those in relation to the massive challenges of modernity? Why do people continue to pollute, to make things dirty or harm others? The answer seems quite…
+The Dictatorship Of Happiness Prevents Us From Finding Happiness
We are tricked by the idea that, to be happy, we need to look happy always, even during the hard times of our life. Indeed, we deny our real feelings to seem happy, and we aren’t able to tackle real issues that we need address in order to grow. This behaviour is particularly true during adolescence, since we don’t want to…