The Secret Of Champions What makes the difference between a champion and an athlete who is not is his heart, his soul. It is the 1% that leads to a difference of 1 cm at the finish of a race for example. Acquire The 99% Of Athletes What distinguishes an athlete from someone who is not is the considerable mass…
+Category: Personal Excellence
The Cumulative Effect Of Good Deeds
Evil is strong at the beginning and weak at the end. Good is weak at the beginning and strong at the end. When we start a career, we are tempted to choose the profession that will maximize our income and we sometimes ignore morality. In doing so, we get a head start on others but we neglect the opportunity cost…
+Choose The Difficult Because It Shows You The Way
Most of the time in life, we have a choice between an easy and a difficult option. In order to progress, we must force ourselves to take on challenges from time to time, otherwise we risk stagnating. The Flow Flow is a psychic state in which our brain functions optimally. To reach flow, two conditions must be met: to have…
+Enjoy Your Anonymity
Celebrities envy you. They don’t know what it’s like to stroll anonymously through a market and meet the indifferent eyes of onlookers. They’ve forgotten about those vacations in tourist places where not a single person calls out to them to take a picture or to get their autograph. Certainly, fame has many advantages and probably much more than the life…
+The Power Of The Forbidden
Each culture has forged itself throughout its history through rules and prohibitions, such as incest, cannibalism and murder. These rules have contributed to a common base on which a society has developed. There is a certain strength in living with prohibitions because it gives us a framework and a direction. We all live with prohibitions that have been imposed on…
+Explore And Learn More
As you know, the world is changing fast, but at the same time, it is the experts in their field who dominate. To cultivate agility and excellence, you need to cultivate two verbs: explore and deepen. Exploring Too Much Society pushes us to become zappers, to stay on the surface of things. This characteristic is bad because it prevents us…
+Judge yourself by the child you once were
The truth comes out of the mouths of babes, they say, doesn’t it? So, from this saying, one could say that we were all once a wise and sensitive person. Why not draw on that distant yet close being we once were to make the right decisions as adults? The Child Has An Advantage Over The Adult The child comes…
+Do not confuse nobility and bourgeoisie
A bourgeois in the etymological sense is someone who lives in the town, in the city. He is not a peasant, he enjoys the delights and comfort of the city. He has money only because he was able to buy a house in the city. The city is the place where business is done. It is where merchants and…
+You are only brave until your next challenge
There is no such thing as a given in life, and even less such a thing as courageous will. It needs to be embodied in action. We are what we repeatedly do, and this is even more true for people who define themselves as courageous. It is even more demanding. A single action lacking courage can wipe out thousands of…
+What Is A Successful Life?
For many of us, a successful life consists in climbing the steps of Maslow’s pyramid one by one. Physical security is replaced by material security, which in turn is replaced by emotional security and so on. What to do when we get stuck on one of these steps? Are we condemned to dwell on the bitter fact that we could…