One of the things we tend to do habitually is move away from things we’re afraid of. How very human, how very loving, to protect ourselves! By Leo Babauta from Unfortunately that tendency to avoid fears is exactly what limits us. We avoid our fear of pain, humiliation, anxiety, looking stupid, failing … and we develop all kinds of…
+Category: Personal Excellence
How to Be Happy When You’re in an Unhappy Situation
Sometimes life throws you into a miserable situation, and it can seem pretty dark. By Leo Babauta from Just a few examples of unhappy situations: You lost a loved one You received bad news Your finances are messed up You’re having a bad day at work Your partner is mad at you or has broken up with you You’re…
+Move a Skill to a Different Part of Your Brain
A few nights ago, I was having dinner with my friend J.D., and he mentioned a guy who could do complex mathematical calculations in his head. J.D. said when the guy was asked how he could do such amazing calculations so quickly, the guy answered that he used a different part of his brain for math than most people do.…
+How to Love Your Dark Side
We all have a side of ourselves (or multiple sides) that we don’t want others to see. You might think of this as your “dark side,” or the Gollum in you (as my friend Adam calls it). By Leo Babauta by It might be that you procrastinate, waste inordinate amounts of time on a certain site or game, drink…
+Patterns of Success
People usually succeed in the long run. by Steve Pavlina from This is the pattern I see in my long-term readers. They may take a while to get moving on their goals at first. They may endure some false starts and setbacks. They may procrastinate now and then. But if a goal is important to them, such as creating…
+The Clean-as-You-Go Principle
I’m not obsessive about neatness, but I’ve learned ways of keeping my house neat and clean in a simple, stress-free way. I call it the “Clean-as-You-Go Principle.” By Leo Babauta from That’s pretty self-explanatory, but of course I can’t resist going into the details. And also, I’ve found this principle to be great for other areas of my life:…
+Relax Into the Moment
You might be surprised how often we’re resisting life. by Leo Babauta from If you assess your body right now, I bet you can find some kind of tension or tightness. For me, it’s often in my chest, but sometimes it’s in my jaw, face, neck or shoulders. Where does this tightness come from? We’re struggling against something — perhaps…
+Self-Help List
Say thank you to everything and everyone, even to your grief and those who frustrate you. Ask how you want to use this gift of a day. See this moment as the most important moment in the world, and don’t wait to be happy. Do every task out of love for someone else, and yourself. To make better habits, put…
+How to Get Back on Track with Motivation & Habits
It happens to all of us: you are going strong with a project, with learning something new, with a new habit or two … and things go sideways. You get derailed. By Leo Babauta from zenhabits This is a critical junction. If you let yourself quit, all your time and effort up until now has been for naught. If…
+3 Strategies to Boost Confidence and Feel Good about Yourself
Are you a perfectionist? by MaryJaksch from Your answer will reveal the truth: Do you often try to achieve a perfect standard in your work? Do you feel a need to perfect at everything you do, even at the expense of your health and well-being? If your answer the two questions above was ‘Yes,’ then you are in danger of…