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Develop Resiliency: How to Move Towards Your Fears

One of the things we tend to do habitually is move away from things we’re afraid of. How very human, how very loving, to protect ourselves! By Leo Babauta from Unfortunately that tendency to avoid fears is exactly what limits us. We avoid our fear of pain, humiliation, anxiety, looking stupid, failing … and we develop all kinds of…


The Clean-as-You-Go Principle

I’m not obsessive about neatness, but I’ve learned ways of keeping my house neat and clean in a simple, stress-free way. I call it the “Clean-as-You-Go Principle.” By Leo Babauta from That’s pretty self-explanatory, but of course I can’t resist going into the details. And also, I’ve found this principle to be great for other areas of my life:…


Relax Into the Moment

You might be surprised how often we’re resisting life. by Leo Babauta  from If you assess your body right now, I bet you can find some kind of tension or tightness. For me, it’s often in my chest, but sometimes it’s in my jaw, face, neck or shoulders. Where does this tightness come from? We’re struggling against something — perhaps…
