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Ricard Matthieu’s plea for altruism

I. THE FOUNDATIONS OF ALTRUISM Altruism, at the heart of Matthieu Ricard’s reflections in Plaidoyer pour l’altruisme, is based on scientific, psychological and philosophical foundations that explain its essential role in building a more just and harmonious world. These include pillars such as empathy, compassion, love and benevolence. This set of universal human dispositions constitutes an essential foundation for understanding…


The History of Spanish

I. General introduction and approach to the book Spanish, the second or third world language depending on the criteria measured, occupies a central place in the lives of more than 500 million people. The result of a long historical evolution, it is today the official language of 21 countries, mainly distributed between Latin America and Spain, with a presence in…


If you can’t explain your work to your grandmother or a child, it’s a bad sign

The simplest things are often the ones that ultimately have the most value. The most interesting and enduring professions are undoubtedly those that could already be practiced 2,500 years ago Lawyer, doctor, architect… These are prestigious professions that have existed since society itself began. Newness is not necessarily synonymous with progress. An interesting paradox emerges with the specialization of work:…


Training the Samurai Mind A Bushido Sourcebook

The Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Bushido: Major Cultural Influences Bushido, or “the way of the warrior,” is a code of ethics and conduct developed by the samurai in Japan. It draws its foundations from several philosophical and spiritual traditions, including Zen Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shintoism. These influences have helped shape the moral, mental, spiritual, and practical principles of…


Fighting is also an act of love

Love, as a level of consciousness, is systematically associated with non-violence. Yet, refraining from violence in certain situations can mean failing in one’s duty of love. Courage comes from the heart Acting with love means acting with courage by definition (the etymological meaning of the word “courage”). When you live in constant non-violence, you must ask yourself whether you do…


Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”

Introduction: General context and objectives of the work Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” is a historical and philosophical fresco, written between 1865 and 1869, which takes place between 1805 and 1812, during the Napoleonic Wars. The novel confronts two major dimensions: on the one hand, the collective scale of History, marked by the clash between Napoleonic France and Imperial Russia;…
