Why Writing Won’t Cease To Be A Useful Skill In The Age Of Chat Gpt Writing Is A Timeless Skill Good writing is about clarity, synthesis, accuracy, precision, intelligence and empathy. In short, writing can’t be improvised. Writing is the school that teaches us how to think. Although there are artificial intelligences that can write better and more prolifically, it…
+Month: November 2023
Ai Forces Us To Redefine Intelligence And Position Ourselves On Its Scale
Artificial intelligence defies human or so-called natural intelligence. Civilization is built on the very idea of intelligence: what we have been able to build over the centuries has been the continuity of the transmission of intelligence through language, whether oral or written, from generation to generation. Anthropocentrism (the idea that the world somehow revolves around man) is partly justified by…
+Work Is An Infinite Game
The different stages of life have been thought of from a productivist angle: we learn, we produce and we rest. Each stage corresponds to an age of life: youth, adulthood and old age. Work, although its etymology is disputed, refers to an idea of suffering in times when those who worked hard were slaves, while the aristocracy, whether Athenian or…
+A Relationship Is Like A Plant
Most women are simple, no matter what you may hear here and there on the subject. Once a relationship has been established, what makes the difference is how well you take care of it. The Allegory Of The Flower A seed that you plant and that starts to germinate is the equivalent of the first contact (earth plus seed) and…
+Are You Living In Beautiful Times Without Knowing It?
Those who lived during the Belle Époque didn’t know it at the time. It was only in retrospect that this period was considered as such, since it was framed between 2 wars, that of 1870 and that of 1914. In the end, the term is more an expression of nostalgia for the good old days, when the madness and misery…