How can we resist evil? The one that knocks at our door every day through hundreds of manifestations as repeated as they are insignificant. Evil has many faces. It can disguise itself in different ways to seduce us. It tempts us, solicits us and finally it gets into us if we are not careful. But what is evil? Is it…
+Category: Spirituality
How do you self-generate?
We are all born once, but how many of us manage to be born a second time? What does it mean to be born a second time? It is simply finding the path to awakening, that is, seeing the light again, this time in a metaphysical way. The first birth When we are born, we have not asked anything of…
+Your energy should be your main concern
It is a word that may seem esoteric and even magical: energy is however what characterizes us most in our intimate dimension. We have all studied energy in physics, we know how important it is for the movement of bodies or its role in the creation of heat. Nevertheless, the energy that influences us the most is our vibratory level,…
+The 15 Virtues Of The Monastic Life
Not everyone is a monk. The demands and sacrifices of an austere life make the vocation of a monk unappealing to most people. However, the monastic life teaches valuable lessons that the average person can learn from, especially in overcoming the obstacles of daily life. Here is a non-exhaustive list. Getting up early The rigors of the monastic workday require…
+Is Lust A Part Of Your Life?
It’s a word that we don’t hear much today, yet “lust” has been the subject of longstanding theological debates and its denunciation was commonplace not so long ago. The disappearance of this term from people’s mouths is not a sign of the disappearance of the phenomenon, on the contrary, it shows that lust has so permeated our societies that it…
+Life is a marathon: taking care of the 3 dimensions of being
A hectic life is what is touted everywhere, whether in movies, contemporary music or social networks. But is living at a hundred miles an hour really reasonable? Are we made for permanent intensity? Isn’t there a risk of losing our skin or our soul? Let’s see all the reasons that push us to slow down and reconsider our relationship with…
+How to act if there is a destiny?
We are destined to fulfill our destiny. How can we act knowing that there is a destiny written in stone? Some religions readily admit the existence of destiny. What is the best attitude to have if we admit the postulate of its existence? Let’s look at several possible scenarios. The hedonistic temptation “Let’s let our instincts do the work since…
+Making the world a little better
Do not let yourself be contaminated by bitterness Confronting the world on a daily basis leaves us with traces that take the form of bitterness that we detect in people’s eyes. To continue to live with a fresh and optimistic mind, we sometimes have to go against a whole bunch of negative energies that can leave us destitute. Do we…
+Beware Of Distorting Mirrors
“Hell is other people” Jean-Paul Sartre The relationship with others is necessary because it is the basis of life in society. It helps us to build our identity, which is done in suffering because to look at the other is to see oneself as an object and not as a subject. The other is not neutral, he projects on us,…
+Intention is the true value of action
Action is only worthwhile if it ultimately produces a positive effect. Positive is the look that sees beauty everywhere. Everywhere you go, you have the choice to seek to improve a situation, to leave it unchanged or to degrade it. Degraded are the thoughts that do not manage to generate a favorable outcome for oneself and for others. Others bring…