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Is There An Animal Nobility?

From the age of bestiaries to the present day The Middle Ages is an interesting period in that it reflects the coexistence of different influences, both pagan and Christian. One of the manifestations of the persistence of pagan influences is the existence of bestiaries, which in themselves constitute a historiographical material. The bestiaries represented works listing the known beasts of…


Is anonymity the ultimate luxury?


In a world where attention and personal data are captured at every moment, it is worth reflecting on the new paradigms of scarcity. Thus, taking up the adage “what is rare is expensive”, at least in the figurative sense, it is reasonable to ask whether, in this hyper-connected world, anonymity should be seen as the paragon of luxury. Before answering…


Foresee Or Perish

Why are we inclined to conformism? We’re afraid of regretting our actions if we take the risk of innovating, instead of conforming. This is a somewhat understandable fear since when it comes to innovation 50 % may succeed, but also another 50 % may doomed to oblivion because of failure. This explains why conformity is a safe guarantee of survival…
