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Resistance Or Resilience


Two forces are clashing without us realizing it, one conservative, the other progressive. This antagonism crystallizes around two values: resilience and resistance. Let’s see what they imply: According to Wiktionary: Resilience is the “Ability of a person or society to withstand a brutal ordeal and build on it to strengthen itself.” While resistance is the “Defense that humans, animals, or…


The 3 Faces Of Radicalism


Activism is nourished by radical figures, or rather, it lives by the very existence of these symbols. Without a dose of radicalism, it is sometimes difficult to know how emancipation movements, whether civic, humanist or environmental, take shape. Awareness of injustice can lead to more categorical commitments. Involvement in a group is not systematic, but it strengthens our convictions and…


Peace and Pace

pace and peace

Peace and Pace are both familiar worlds pointing to two seemingly different directions. They have their own entourages as well. People based on their definition of success take either peace or pace as the road map of their lives. It seems that by taking one you should neglect the other, otherwise you’d lose the desired destiny. Are these concepts contradictory?…


What Is Your Melody?


Living in a community is all about following a rhythm that is imposed on us. The pace of work and productivity of a factory ends up impregnating the tempo with which we approach our daily lives. These injunctions of efficiency asserted like mantras come little by little to impregnate our unconscious in the manner of the sword coming out of…
