Between Reason and Instinct The story presents a symbolic battle between reason and instinct, two opposing tendencies that clash when the structures imposed by civilization collapse. This shift will lead to total chaos in the following chapters, providing the basis for the later tragedies that mark the story. In Lord of the Flies, the descent into barbarism is a critical phase…
+Category: Reflection
“The Road of Time”, Philippe Guillemant
General SynthesisPhilippe Guillemant’s Theory of Double Causality is an ambitious attempt to rethink our understanding of time and reality. By blending scientific concepts, such as the multiverse and simultaneity, with a human dimension rooted in intention and synchronicities, this theory opens new perspectives on how we influence our destiny and comprehend our universe.It not only challenges classical scientific paradigms but…
+Becoming Antifragile
The Grail of existence is to become antifragile, meaning to become stronger after each shock, much like the muscles of a bodybuilder after each workout. Why is it important to become antifragile, and why is it so difficult to achieve? Antifragility allows us to navigate an uncertain world and benefit from it. As biological beings made of carbon, we naturally…
+AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future
“AI 2041” presents a unique approach combining Kai-Fu Lee’s technical expertise and Chen Qiufan’s narrative creativity to explore the future of artificial intelligence towards 2041. In his introduction, Kai-Fu Lee shares his personal journey with AI, dating back to his beginnings four decades ago. He reminds us that while AI may seem like a 21st-century technology, its origins trace back…
+From Contradiction Comes Complexity
Simplification is the work of geniuses or simpletons. What strikes me most in our time is the great tendency to simplify everything. Conspiracy theories are an attempt to simplify the causality of events, even when this often leads us further from the truth. The human mind struggles to grasp contradictions. Yet, it is from these contradictions that complexity and depth…
+Communism or the Desire to Share What We Don’t Have
Students are communists, workers are socialists, and married people are capitalists. A communist is a hypocrite because he wants to take from others what he himself would be incapable of giving if he were in their place. The young or the poor are often open to communist ideas. When you have nothing, you are inclined to share because it costs…
+A Society Of Greed
According to Catholic doctrine, there are said to be 7 deadly sins: lust, spiritual sloth (acedia), anger, envy, gluttony, pride, and greed. Let’s focus on the latter. Why have our societies become so greedy? Why have more noble values been substituted for this one? Greed appears when God disappears Greed is the feeling of never having enough, of always wanting…
+Do You Take The Time To Contemplate The Beauty Around You?
Living on autopilot is so common that we often overlook the beauty of everyday things. Automatic thinking is necessary because the work world demands a lot from us, starting with impeccable efficiency and productivity. To be effective, one must focus on one thing and ignore everything else. Yet, our ability to focus is intimately linked to our ability to relax.…
+Batman or the Superpower of Money
Batman is one of the few superheroes without any superpowers. This fact would make him similar to the average person, causing us to forget that he is anything but ordinary. Batman inherited a vast fortune following the death of his parents. This fortune makes him a much more real superhero than others, showing us how money can give one wings.…
+Men Are No Longer What They Used To Be
The fitness industry serves the meat industry The fitness industry walks hand in hand with animal exploitation. Not only does being heavily muscled increase your chances of dying prematurely, but in doing so, you contribute to animal suffering. Women want more than just a body If men want to be muscular, it’s because they want to please women. What they…