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Summary of Hear Yourself: how to find peace in a noisy world by Prem Rawat

Résumé de comment trouver la paix dans un monde bruyant de Prem Rawat

You don’t have to go to the top of a mountain to enjoy peace and serenity. To find peace, we must first mute the noise in our minds.   Technology   It will not have escaped your attention that technology is the main cause of distraction in our lives. It brings us comfort but it does not come without a…


Books to make you feel better

The No-Frills Meditation Book, a scientist’s guide to the power of meditation, by Steven Laureys The merits of meditation are many. It rewires our brains, reduces stress and ultimately makes us happier. Much of our current brain activity is inherited from our distant ancestors who struggled daily to survive. Although things have changed greatly today, we are still mainly conditioned…


The Industrial Revolution was not born in England, it was born a thousand years earlier in China

What is the Industrial Revolution if not a paradigm shift in the relationship to work? Before the Industrial Revolution, workers were experts in their field. They mastered a set of skills that allowed them to produce an object or perform a relatively complex action. Thus, a knight could hardly improvise himself as a farmer and vice versa. If it is…
