Did you fail because you listened too much to others? The social animal that we are is like that, it needs to create a link with a group, a community in order to receive security, love and even a reason to live. Given our dependence on human groups, it is difficult to say that our decisions are not influenced by…
+Year: 2021
4 book summaries to understand Nassim Taleb’s thought
If there is one author who has managed to stand out by approaching the theme of risk in a different way, it is Nassim Taleb. Through his previous works, the former trader manages to explain in a style accessible to the public; concepts that have to do with finance or the dimension of chance in general. Let’s take a look…
+Summary of Hear Yourself: how to find peace in a noisy world by Prem Rawat
You don’t have to go to the top of a mountain to enjoy peace and serenity. To find peace, we must first mute the noise in our minds. Technology It will not have escaped your attention that technology is the main cause of distraction in our lives. It brings us comfort but it does not come without a…
+Books to make you feel better
The No-Frills Meditation Book, a scientist’s guide to the power of meditation, by Steven Laureys The merits of meditation are many. It rewires our brains, reduces stress and ultimately makes us happier. Much of our current brain activity is inherited from our distant ancestors who struggled daily to survive. Although things have changed greatly today, we are still mainly conditioned…
+Useful books for Entrepreneurs
3 key takeaways for useful books for entrepreneurs Here are the nonfiction books I recommend if you are an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur: The Unwritten Laws of Business by W.J. King Your integrity and morals are your most valuable assets, make sure you keep them intact throughout your career. They will benefit you in the long run. Avoid using foul…
+Satisfaction, the pillar of our life
A human being can trivially be defined by a sum of desires. What makes us valuable, in the end, is the arrangement of these desires and the quality of these desires. If it is of course difficult to always control our desires, there are nevertheless ways to make them less toxic for us, in that they develop a higher dimension…
+The Industrial Revolution was not born in England, it was born a thousand years earlier in China
What is the Industrial Revolution if not a paradigm shift in the relationship to work? Before the Industrial Revolution, workers were experts in their field. They mastered a set of skills that allowed them to produce an object or perform a relatively complex action. Thus, a knight could hardly improvise himself as a farmer and vice versa. If it is…
+Do you have to be poor to be green?
If globalization has allowed us to observe successive waves of enrichment, it has also shown us the horrors of a significant increase in purchasing power for the entire population. If it is true that we all aspire to a form of prosperity, it is not without consequences. Among all the rich countries of the planet, the ranking of the carbon…
+Should we look for serendipity everywhere?
Serendipity is an essential ingredient to increase the success factors in one’s life. It consists in multiplying the opportunities by resorting to chance, at least by provoking luck. Luck is necessary at all levels of one’s life, but should one look for it all the time and everywhere? Let’s see together some elements of answer to this question. Do not…
+Do you let Tama into your life?
According to the Hindu tradition, there are 3 gunas, three natural inclinations present in each of us: tama, raja and satva. Each of these 3 gunas makes us tend towards ignorance (/ indolence), desire and harmony respectively. Someone who aspires to progress on the path of wisdom and spirituality must minimize the traces of tama and raja to leave only…