If globalization has allowed us to observe successive waves of enrichment, it has also shown us the horrors of a significant increase in purchasing power for the entire population. If it is true that we all aspire to a form of prosperity, it is not without consequences. Among all the rich countries of the planet, the ranking of the carbon…
+Category: Reflection
Should we aspire to immortality?
Whether we like it or not, we all aspire to a form of eternity, it is our conscience that orders us to do so. The question is whether we should aspire to physical immortality. Immortality is an imitation God. Man is a mixture between two substances, animal and divine. The quest for immortality amounts to suppressing our animal dimension to…
+Should you stay where you are not welcome?
There is a Chinese proverb which says that it is not good to stay in a place where you are not accepted or welcome. At first sight, this phrase suggests a lack of persistence or courage in human relationships. However, it may be argued that this is not entirely untrue. Why waste time or energy with people who don’t value…
+The importance of setting goals when you are a beginner
What distinguishes an expert from a beginner is the number and extent of accomplishments in a field. A master in a discipline no longer has any real goal per se, other than to continue to live and “breathe” his art. His deliberate practice has enabled him to render all the skills associated with his discipline unconscious. His transformation has taken…
+Why is it difficult to accept getting older?
In a society that advocates youthism, getting older is synonymous with being downgraded. It is not surprising to understand why ageing is so poorly experienced as it is associated with the idea of decline. Old age, the autumn of life Death is hidden from everyone. It has become taboo, it is no longer part of life. There is a kind…
+Do not confuse prejudice with intuition
We all pride ourselves one day on having been able to thwart the traps that presented themselves to us. This pride is based on our intuition, which we believe to be omniscient. However, are we really sure that it is intuition? Have we not simply been fooled by prejudices that we have disguised as intuition? Let’s see together what can…
+What you see in others is a reflection of who you are
The habit of criticizing people is widespread. It is normal to see what could be improved in the character or choices of the people around us. However, this tendency creates a dynamic of negativity. How can we make someone progress if our eye only scans or highlights the least attractive elements of a person? Our pride works like this: it…
+Should one have a child?
Having a child: a question that emerges at the dawn of a possible ecocidal cataclysm. Having children is more than a life choice, it is the choice of life(s). By having children, we decide to give life to a being that would not have been born otherwise (or under other forms according to our beliefs). Giving life has never been…
+Interesting ideas from the book David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
A book that tells you how to win when all the odds seem against you. The book begins with a confrontation between two people in Palestine: a giant named Goliath and a small shepherd named David. At first glance, the outcome of this confrontation is sealed: Goliath is going to make mincemeat of this shepherd who stands on frail legs.…
+Applying the art of war to win the battle against climate change?
Climate change is a perverse phenomenon in that the consequences of our current actions have no immediate effect. It is rather a kind of powder keg that we fill every day and that can explode at any moment. We are all more or less informed on the subject. However, those who do not seem to be interested in it are…