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Ai Forces Us To Redefine Intelligence And Position Ourselves On Its Scale

Artificial intelligence defies human or so-called natural intelligence. Civilization is built on the very idea of intelligence: what we have been able to build over the centuries has been the continuity of the transmission of intelligence through language, whether oral or written, from generation to generation. Anthropocentrism (the idea that the world somehow revolves around man) is partly justified by…


A Civilization That Produces A Lot Of Knowledge But Little Wisdom Is Doomed To Extinction. Asimov

We are a civilization of information, data and knowledge, but what about wisdom? Wisdom is knowledge to which reflection and application have been applied. The Current Context Allows For Less Wisdom When we spend our day in front of a screen, we have less opportunity to apply what we learn to the real world. On the other hand, our attention…


The Economy Of Solitude

The world has never been so lonely. People in so-called “developed” countries live in boxes and spend most of their time in front of screens to forget their loneliness. Loneliness is an evil that is eating away at society, yet it is also a tremendous opportunity for companies that have decided to monetize it. Your Solitude Has A Market Value…
