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Antipathy Analyzes Better, But Sympathy Alone Understands

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Antipathy analyzes better, but sympathy alone understands. André Siegfried André Siegfried, born in Le Havre on 21 April 1875 and died in Paris on 28 March 1959, was a French sociologist, historian and geographer, a pioneer of electoral sociology. Antipathy is mainly driven by our intellect, it is cold and divisive. Its aim is not to understand but to separate.…


Every Day Is A Life


Don’t you have the feeling that when you get up in the morning you feel slightly different. Your dreams have left an imprint on you that you don’t remain insensitive to. These dream influences operate like the limbo from which you are reborn every morning. Of course, you are the same person. However, your thoughts and feelings can change greatly…


Will Machines Make Nations Disappear?


The robotisation and automation of the world’s economies is creating tensions between countries as each nation decides its own policy in this area. These choices induce better performance and widen inequalities in terms of prosperity for populations who may be either the “big winners” of globalisation or the “losers”. These seemingly head-on rivalries under the backdrop of geopolitical warfare may…


The Emergence Of Non-Linear Thinking


The technological upheaval has massively spread the idea of non-linearity in all fields of life, be it economy, work or thought. The older generation is dominated by the idea that gains are correlated with efforts and that the influence is linear since an individual cannot work exponentially, there is a biological limit. The leverage effects offered by the infinite multiplication…


It Is Easier Not To Be Free


Freedom of choice is a recent concept when we put its appearance and the scale of human history into perspective. Being free implies taking responsibility for the consequences and responsibility for one’s own choices, which is not convenient for everyone. It is much more comfortable to be guided by family or social injunctions rather than going against the tide. Indeed,…
