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To educate someone is to make sure that he or she does not think only of his or her own interest

When we talk about education nowadays, we think almost exclusively of the idea of instructing, of imparting skills. But this is a restrictive view, and one that has been distorted from its original meaning. Education was first and foremost about transmitting a set of values that were intended to make the individual honourable, trustworthy, valiant or loyal. This vision of…


#Cultivating a good identity #Framework is freedom #How bad do you get #If you can’t see God, it’s okay

Take care of your identity We inherit an identity like a passport or the beliefs of our parents. We also build an identity, one that evolves over time as we meet new people and read about them. Sometimes, we end up stopping to think about this identity and a grey area is created from which we have difficulty defining ourselves.…


The Turtle Or The Phoenix?


The world is hostile, which instinctively pushes us to grow all sorts of armors called identities or egos. These armors that we cherish, we use them as a shield that protects us from the repeated assaults of an environment that we imagine as an enemy. Slowly but surely our whole being is metamorphosing, we are no longer quite human if…
