You are what you repeatedly do. Each person is unique in part because they are a sum of good and bad habits. In itself, each habit can be diagrammed as an image that when put together with others makes a patchwork quilt, a coat of arms, what you are fighting for. The Coat Of Arms The coat of arms represents…
+Category: Lifestyle
You Can’t Have Gold, Bronze And Silver Medals
Imagine that you are entered in any kind of race, whether it is track and field, judo, boxing or soccer. In principle, if you are a normal person, you would want to get the gold, period. Then there are those who are more realistic or timid and only aspire to be on the podium. In no case there are those…
+Why Should You Be An Outsider?
You came into the world alone and you will leave the world alone. In between these two moments, you will have learned to live in society, for your survival, for your earthly success. In essence, living in society helps you to become remarkable for achieving prosaic goals. If you aspire to be more than a human being, such as a…
+To educate someone is to make sure that he or she does not think only of his or her own interest
When we talk about education nowadays, we think almost exclusively of the idea of instructing, of imparting skills. But this is a restrictive view, and one that has been distorted from its original meaning. Education was first and foremost about transmitting a set of values that were intended to make the individual honourable, trustworthy, valiant or loyal. This vision of…
+5 Lessons To Learn From Charles Ingalls
Based on the life of author Laura Ingalls, daughter of Charles Ingalls, Little House on the Prairie depicts the lives of European pioneers in mid-19th century America. Let’s look at 5 lessons we can learn from her life so they can inspire our own lives. 1. Work as a daily pillar Charles Ingalls’ life was characterized by work that…
+#What does death teach us? #Staggered recognition #You play in different leagues
What does death teach us? Love is a verb that we learn Death can knock on our door without warning. Sometimes it’s not you but your dog or a close neighbor. So, you reflect, you replay the thread of your relationship and you ask yourself several questions: did I take care of this individual? Did my presence contribute to his…
+#Cultivating a good identity #Framework is freedom #How bad do you get #If you can’t see God, it’s okay
Take care of your identity We inherit an identity like a passport or the beliefs of our parents. We also build an identity, one that evolves over time as we meet new people and read about them. Sometimes, we end up stopping to think about this identity and a grey area is created from which we have difficulty defining ourselves.…
+Michael Jordan and the Bulls = 23 reasons for success
Would you like to know what makes MJ a living legend? There are few individuals who have had as much impact on their sport as Michael Jordan. He single-handedly took the Chicago Bulls team to a whole new level, and more broadly, he put the game of basketball on the map. Michael Jordan came from a modest family and grew…
+You are a coach to thousands of people without knowing it
You have a power that you underestimate. Yet it is harmless. You use it every day without knowing it. Maybe you even use it to harm or hurt the people you meet. Do you know what I mean? Well, it’s your speech, the words that come out of your mouth. When you speak, you often have two choices: to put…
+How to become happy as a child again?
For most of us, our younger years are synonymous with the simple joys of being carefree. While not everyone had an easy childhood, we probably remember the capacity we had to marvel at trivial things. The wonder of discovering the world around us was an everyday occurrence. Is it because we ‘know’ the world that it is increasingly difficult to…