We thought that the upheaval of algorithms and machines was far away, but it is right in front of us. We are witnessing a revolution in the organization of work in real time. Online jobs thought they were safe from the threat of replacement. The opposite is happening. There will be a complete overhaul of certain professions over the next…
+Category: Business
Here Is The Quality You Must Have If You Want To Succeed As An Entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur is both a dream for some and an insurmountable challenge for others. To succeed in this field, you must be able to put all the chances on your side. If it is true that having material and financial resources can be an undeniable asset, they cannot be of much help if you are missing the main ingredient…
+Why Should Ai Become Your New Friend?
You have a white-collar job and you are very successful. This could change in the long run if you don’t pay attention to the upheavals brought about by artificial intelligence. It is sweeping away entire sectors of the editorial or visual industry for example. So rather than opposing AI, you will have no other strategy than to make it an…
+You Will Have No Choice But To Be An Entrepreneur
The world of work is being turned upside down every day by innovations spearheaded by artificial intelligence. Until recently, it was only workers who had to fear being replaced by machines. Today, it is a whole part of society that could eventually see its work replaced by artificial intelligence. Even if the results are not always as good as those…
+What Do We Do When Nothing In Life Interests Us?
The recent upheavals have sometimes spread disillusionment in our careers, anguish and ultimately a certain loss of meaning in our lives. How do we cope with this and how do we regain joy when we feel the ground beneath our feet? It is not always easy to get caught up in these uncertain times. We want to hold on to…
+Entrepreneurial Culture Is Collarless
From blue collar to hoodie You have no doubt noticed that we are in the midst of an economic upheaval, and employment is particularly affected. We are experiencing creative destruction on a large scale: 85% of the jobs of 2030 do not exist today(1). What are the implications of such a reshuffling of cards? Let’s analyse together the future changes…
+What is your progress coefficient?
Your work is a door to a better self, at least sometimes. You have chosen a profession because it offers you the material security that everyone needs, but have you thought that it could lead you to other aspects of your life? Ideally, a job should be a launching pad to improve your intellectual, emotional and moral capacities. Have you…
+Do you have a bullshit job?
If you’re asking yourself this question, you probably do. And if you’ve never asked yourself the question, you either have a great job or you don’t deserve better than a bullshit job because you’re too dazed by your work. Do a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Confucius Work comes first when…
+Here is a crucial question …
… that you need to know how to answer What is your definition of success? You have values that you hold dear. Some of them have been transmitted to you during your childhood, others are the result of your own personal construction. Values, those intangible things that are sometimes difficult to define, are the foundations of the definition you give…
+Learn to think like a ship’s captain
Life is like a ship Success in any endeavor often comes down to how you handle the low points. When you’re sailing, paddling or aboard an ocean liner, there are rough patches in any journey. The ability to handle the rough patches is what makes a captain of any boat, whether it’s makeshift or luxury, so valuable. Essentially, a captain…