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Strategy And Tactics: 2 Approaches To Winning


According to its Greek etymology, strategy (derived from στρατός, stratós (“army”) and ἄγω, ágô (“to lead”)) refers to the art of preparing, directing the overall operations of a war, whereas tactics (τάσσω, tássô (“to arrange, to set in ranks”), formally derived from τακτός, taktós (“ordered”) with the suffix -ικός, -ikós. ) refers to the art of arranging troops on the…


Predestination: At The Root Of The Win/Lose Ideology


According to the Robert, predestination is a religious doctrine according to which God destines certain creatures to salvation by the sole force of his grace and dooms the others (whatever they do) to damnation. This belief is shared by several Christian denominations, notably Calvinist and Jansenist. These sects of Protestantism flourished and took root across the Atlantic where they greatly…


Nudge And Society


Nudge theory (or liberal paternalism theory), according to Wikipedia, is a concept from the behavioral sciences, political theory and economics, derived from industrial design practices, that argues that indirect suggestions can, without force, influence the motivations, incentives and decision-making of groups and individuals, at least as effectively if not more effectively than direct instruction, legislation or enforcement. Nudge acts at…
