Resist and win
We don’t realize how necessary it is to associate with people who share the same desires as we do. If we are not a little careful in choosing our fellow travelers, we end up making other plans. Maintaining friendships necessarily involves sharing desires and aspirations. This is natural and helps to create a bond. That said, there is nothing more contagious than the desires of others. They spread like wildfire and can shatter the ambitions of anyone who is not careful.
To overcome this obstacle, it is necessary to find allies, partners of choice who motivate us and help us stay on the right path. Often, these teammates do not exist in our immediate environment, which explains the need to go it alone. Before receiving these reinforcements, we must therefore resist the repeated assaults of the besieger, well, of all those bad desires from which we wish to stay away.
If you fight alone towards your dreams, you will have to think of yourself as a city under siege. You must wall yourself off and guard the gates of your compound firmly. Keep away all those who want to destroy your castle, which is the only way to keep the people in it alive, that is your highest wishes. You will have to resist for a while and not let intruders enter despite their harmless appearance. In fact, although they may have an accommodating presence, it often happens that people we get too close to act like a Trojan horse that would insidiously plunder our highest aspirations. If you believe that you are dealing with someone who does not share your values or your life goals, you should not lower your drawbridge in front of them. This will not prevent you from helping him or her or from simply being caring. You simply have to preserve the integrity of your wall which represents the contours of your intimacy.
You can send out scouts to find reinforcements (i.e. search the net for a community for example), but until they arrive, you will have to fight on your own, i.e. maintain an iron discipline, whether it is intellectual, physical or emotional. You will have to learn how to consolidate or patch up your walls that may have been hit by projectiles the day before. Finally, you must keep your aspirations burning so that the reinforcements will take you as an ally when they see you, they will know that you have kept your value and that you have not yielded anything to the adversary.
Once the reinforcements arrive, you’ll see how much easier it is to war on the quotient, simply because they’ll help you focus on the essentials. To deserve this chivalrous help, you will have had to prove your worth by keeping intact the noblest and greatest aspirations despite the hostility of your environment.
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