Why does evil attract so many young people? It is because it impresses by its power and its dominance over the good. It is also because youth is by definition ignorant of certain wisdoms. Conversely, older people are more inclined to practice what is good, because they have experienced evil and have learned to recognize the true power of good.
Karma is an age-old concept which has been embraced by many cultures and religions the world over. It stands for the idea that in life, what comes around goes around, and that ultimately the consequences of one’s actions will come back to them. While this concept can be seen as quite complex, it can be simply illustrated through the metaphor of throwing a stone into the sky.
When one throws a stone forcefully into the sky, it reaches great speed. Initially, one may think it will never stop, such is its momentum. Then, after a short peak of power, it sharply decelerates until it eventually lands on its originator’s head with as much power as it was thrown into the air.
This metaphor helps to better demonstrate the way in which evil works. Evil, because of its inherent weakness, often hides its true nature under the guise of toughness, violence and domination. This makes it appear powerful. However, over time, evil reveals its true, weak nature, and eventually collapses in on itself. All those who get too close to or choose to be a part of evil usually end up staring its true nature in the face and come out worse off than when they started.
Karma and evil, while two very disparate concepts, both show how consequences of one’s actions will eventually come back to them. Just like the metaphor of the thrown stone, moral evil eventually serves to re-emphasize its true nature.
Ultimately, the concept of karma serves to reiterate the importance of positive action and its consequences. Be it for oneself or for others, ethical decision making is an important part of growth and success in life. As such, understanding karma and the effects of evil are important lessons to be understood and embraced.
Goodness operates in a manner that is the opposite of what is expected. It may seem puny at the outset; but like the seedling of a tree, it gains strength over time, as it is its inherent nature. The path of good can prove to be more difficult than the one chosen by many, as one is often outnumbered or belittled by those who, for lack of courage or conviction, descend into the more comfortable, familiar path of evil.
However, if we, despite facing hardships, insist on walking the path of good, we will be blessed with a strength that will never leave us. For good grows, where evil gradually wears itself out and disintegrates. The example of the seedling can be seen here; from the tiny plant that was initially sown, an immensely robust tree can evolve.
It is therefore essential for us to continue in the direction of good, for it will never fail to grant us the strength and personality that is required. The fortitude to stand up for the right, amidst a seemingly overwhelming number of voices advocating the wrong, will never go away. The path chosen by us, and decided by our decisions in moments of dilemma, will have a lasting impression on our values and our character.
Let us therefore choose the path of good, and press forth to it with determination and an unwavering spirit. We will never regret our decision to walk the path of good. It is often more difficult, but undoubtedly the most productive.
For the heart of good is strong and indestructible. It continues to thrive, no matter how small it may initially be. No amount of ill-will or vices from others can shake our courage to choose good and persevere in it. Good will always prevail over evil in the end, for goodness is justly rewarded and rewarded with strength and greatness.
Imagine that you are the young shoot of a tree. Each time you act in a virtuous way, it is as if water came to water your roots to strengthen you. Conversely, when you act badly, it is as if insects come to nibble your leaves or your roots.
Virtue is an often overlooked factor in life, but it is an essential component in the development of moral behavior. Virtue, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is ‘the quality of moral excellence; goodness, righteousness, and moral rectitude’. In our society, too often virtue is relegated to religious texts or examinations of philosophical thought. However, it is important for people to recognize that virtue is something that each of us must consciously contemplate and practice on a daily basis in order to be able to reach our highest potential as human beings.
One of the most important aspects of virtue is the distinction it provides between good and evil. This distinction enables us to act in accordance with our moral conscience, as well as our conscience as a community. When we practice virtue, we are able to look inward and discern our own morality and that of others, allowing us to make informed decisions that benefit society as a whole. Without a definition of virtue, people may be tempted to act in ways that are morally questionable, which can lead to detrimental results.
This distinction is often present even in everyday situations. In a professional setting, for example, virtue helps us identify wrong doings like stealing from a company or lying to a client. It also helps us see the positives such as telling the truth and providing excellent customer service. Similarly, in our personal lives virtue helps us distinguish between right and wrong in a variety of situations. It provides a moral compass that we can use to steer ourselves away from unethical behavior and towards beneficial choices.
To become a virtuous person, it is important to make an effort to practice virtue each day. This can be done in both large and small ways. We can take simple measures like treating everyone with respect, or speaking kindly to those around us. We can also be generous and help those unfortunate enough to find themselves in need. Each time we practice virtue, no matter how small the instance, we are encouraging our moral conscience to reappear in our everyday lives.
Practicing virtue is a lifelong process and one that is often difficult. However, the more we work towards growing in virtue, the easier it becomes to distinguish good from evil. As we continue to practice, we become more aware of our moral standards and become better equipped to make beneficial decisions. Virtue, ultimately, is the tool we need to create a more compassionate and peaceful society.
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