Personal Excellence

Educate Yourself As If You Were A King Or Queen

What distinguishes the education of kings from that of ordinary people?
 It is the teacher’s attention, which is not the same. Typically, in a classroom, the teacher’s attention is divided among students, distributed more or less equally depending on the teacher’s preferences. A king, on the other hand, is educated almost exclusively by tutors, which means that he benefits from his teacher’s full and undivided attention, giving him a significant advantage over all his contemporaries. Of course, such an education is extremely expensive, meaning it is beyond the reach of most people, virtually unattainable except by aristocracy. Since the future king will be the only person to occupy this position, it is ultimately logical that he should receive preferential treatment compared to the rest of the population. Before the advent of formal schooling, parents were entirely in charge of the education of their children, which was heavily focused on the professional aspects of labor. For example, a farmer taught what he knew: farming. Similarly, a nobleman would pass down his knowledge of warfare and chivalric spirit. A king, however, had to learn the art of war, certainly, but to excel, he also needed to master philosophy and foreign languages in order to understand the world around him and become an expert in diplomacy.

Reflection on Education

To rule, ensure the stability of their reign, and allow the transfer of power to their descendants—this can be seen as the king’s primary vocation. The people, on the other hand, may hold less power, but to some extent, their lives mirror that of the king. A normal person seeks to find meaning in life, happiness, and to leave behind descendants. Ruling could, therefore, be equated to finding meaning in life. To master oneself is primarily to know who one is. Stability is an essential condition for happiness. Ultimately, the aspirations of a king and his subjects remain the same. Education can help you achieve these three goals.

A Computer is Here to Serve You

A tutor is a teacher assigned almost exclusively to a king. A server computer (some are even called dedicated servers) can perform a similar role for you. When you browse the web, you have an army of virtual tutors responding to your queries. Your only challenge is to frame good queries so as not to waste your time. To achieve this, you must be disciplined.

The Essential Role of Discipline in Self-Education

Discipline plays an essential role in personal education for two reasons: it helps develop good habits, and it promotes self-regulated behavior. Discipline is the process through which a learner learns to control their behavior and emotions to succeed. It is a key element in the development of skills such as organization, responsibility, hard work, and the ability to follow instructions.

In terms of developing good habits, discipline helps individuals structure their learning activities and stay on track. It enables learners to develop critical study habits and remain focused on tasks like homework, readings, and tests. Discipline allows learners to stay concentrated and study better and more efficiently, fostering patience, perseverance, and persistence in pursuing learning goals. This is especially important when the material is challenging or when the learner faces a demanding schedule.

Regarding self-control, discipline helps learners hold themselves accountable for their decisions and actions. By disciplining themselves, learners become aware of the consequences of their choices and consider the impact of their behavior on their educational journey. It encourages them to be mindful of others’ expectations and exhibit the behavior expected of them. This fosters a positive learning atmosphere that supports academic growth.

In conclusion, discipline plays a crucial role in personal education. It develops good habits and encourages self-regulated behavior. Discipline helps learners stay focused on their educational goals and promotes responsibility. Ultimately, discipline is necessary for learners to succeed and thrive in their educational endeavors.


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