Between Reason and Instinct The story presents a symbolic battle between reason and instinct, two opposing tendencies that clash when…
General SynthesisPhilippe Guillemant's Theory of Double Causality is an ambitious attempt to rethink our understanding of time and reality. By…
The Grail of existence is to become antifragile, meaning to become stronger after each shock, much like the muscles of…
"AI 2041" presents a unique approach combining Kai-Fu Lee's technical expertise and Chen Qiufan's narrative creativity to explore the future…
Simplification is the work of geniuses or simpletons. What strikes me most in our time is the great tendency to…
Students are communists, workers are socialists, and married people are capitalists. A communist is a hypocrite because he wants to…
According to Catholic doctrine, there are said to be 7 deadly sins: lust, spiritual sloth (acedia), anger, envy, gluttony, pride,…
Living on autopilot is so common that we often overlook the beauty of everyday things. Automatic thinking is necessary because…
Batman is one of the few superheroes without any superpowers. This fact would make him similar to the average person,…
The fitness industry serves the meat industry The fitness industry walks hand in hand with animal exploitation. Not only does…