
Ricard Matthieu’s plea for altruism

I. THE FOUNDATIONS OF ALTRUISM Altruism, at the heart of Matthieu Ricard's reflections in Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, is based on…

2 weeks ago

The History of Spanish

I. General introduction and approach to the book Spanish, the second or third world language depending on the criteria measured,…

2 weeks ago

If you can’t explain your work to your grandmother or a child, it’s a bad sign

The simplest things are often the ones that ultimately have the most value. The most interesting and enduring professions are…

2 weeks ago

Training the Samurai Mind A Bushido Sourcebook

The Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Bushido: Major Cultural Influences Bushido, or "the way of the warrior," is a code…

3 weeks ago

Fighting is also an act of love

Love, as a level of consciousness, is systematically associated with non-violence. Yet, refraining from violence in certain situations can mean…

3 weeks ago

Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”

Introduction: General context and objectives of the work Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is a historical and philosophical fresco, written…

3 weeks ago

How Can You Learn From Other People’s Mistakes?

Your life isn’t long enough to learn only from your own mistakes, which is why you must make it a…

4 weeks ago

A plea for animals: towards benevolence for all

In the introduction to his book Plaidoyer pour les animaux : vers une bienveillance pour tous, Matthieu Ricard explores the…

4 weeks ago

To Be Better Than 99% Of People, You Need To Meet 3 Conditions

Having a Contrarian Idea If you want to be better than 99% of people in a field, you must hold…

1 month ago

4 Types Of People

There are said to be 4 types of people: 2 types to avoid, and 2 others to seek out. Moreover,…

1 month ago