I. THE FOUNDATIONS OF ALTRUISM Altruism, at the heart of Matthieu Ricard's reflections in Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, is based on…
I. General introduction and approach to the book Spanish, the second or third world language depending on the criteria measured,…
The simplest things are often the ones that ultimately have the most value. The most interesting and enduring professions are…
The Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Bushido: Major Cultural Influences Bushido, or "the way of the warrior," is a code…
Love, as a level of consciousness, is systematically associated with non-violence. Yet, refraining from violence in certain situations can mean…
Introduction: General context and objectives of the work Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is a historical and philosophical fresco, written…
Your life isn’t long enough to learn only from your own mistakes, which is why you must make it a…
In the introduction to his book Plaidoyer pour les animaux : vers une bienveillance pour tous, Matthieu Ricard explores the…
Having a Contrarian Idea If you want to be better than 99% of people in a field, you must hold…
There are said to be 4 types of people: 2 types to avoid, and 2 others to seek out. Moreover,…