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Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy by Joseph Schumpeter

I. Marxist Doctrine

In Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph Schumpeter begins with an in- depth analysis of Karl Marx’s thought. Considering Marx to be an indispensable figure, he examines the theoretical foundations of Marxism, serving as the basis for the idea of transition from capitalism to socialism. While recognizing the analytical richness of Marxist doctrine, Schumpeter combines respectful admiration with rigorous criticism.

1. Introduction to Marx’s thought

Schumpeter begins by summarizing the major axes of Marx’s thought:

Historical materialism: Marx asserts that economic structures, especially relations of production, define social, political and cultural superstructures. For him, history is guided by economic transformations, not abstract ideas.
Class struggle: According to Marx, main driving force of history is the perpetual conflict between social classes, manifested in capitalism by the opposition between the bourgeoisie (owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (exploited workers).
The inevitable collapse of capitalism: Marx postulates that capitalism is self-destructive. The system’s internal contradictions, notably crises of overproduction and the exacerbation of inequality, will inevitably lead to its collapse and a transition to socialism.

2. Marxist sociology: convergences and critiques

Schumpeter recognizes the historical and sociological importance of Marxist analyses:

Convergence points:

He applauds Marx’s dynamic vision, which sees society as an organism in constant transformation, unlike the static thinkers of the time.
Schumpeter also hails the centrality of social classes in major historical transformations.
Finally, he admires Marx’s ability to link economy and society in a coherent framework.

Critical comments:

However, Schumpeter notes Marx’s excessive optimism about the transition to socialism, which he imagines will occur without major chaos or prolonged disorder.
He also criticizes Marx’s oversimplification, predicting the inevitable collapse of capitalism without taking into account the system’s resilience and possible adjustments.

3. Marxist economics: strengths and limitations

Schumpeter explores Marx’s economic contributions while pointing out his shortcomings:

Dynamic contributions:

Schumpeter credits Marx with introducing a non-static vision of capitalist economies. Unlike classical economists, who focused on equilibrium, Marx emphasized the evolution and ongoing transformations of capitalism.


Schumpeter criticizes Marx for failing to integrate the central role innovation in the adaptation and survival of capitalism.
Moreover, the role of the entrepreneur is dismissed in Marxist theory. Yet for Schumpeter, it is precisely the entrepreneur who embodies the essence of capitalism, stimulating innovation and growth through the process of “creative destruction”.

In conclusion, Schumpeter establishes a nuanced dialogue with Marx. While welcoming his contributions, he demonstrates that Marx underestimates capitalism’s ability to reinvent itself, and neglects key elements such as technological innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. This analysis laid the foundations for Schumpeter’s later reflections on the decline of capitalism and the eventual transition to socialism, not through collapse, but through internal structural transformation.

II. Can Capitalism Survive?

In the second part of his book, Joseph Schumpeter explores the essence of capitalism, its driving forces as well as its structural weaknesses. He develops his bold thesis that capitalism is not doomed by its failures, but by its own success. His arguments revolve around two axes: a critical analysis of contemporary capitalism, and a reflection on the causes of its decline.

1. Critical analysis of contemporary capitalism

Schumpeter examines the fundamental mechanisms driving modern capitalism, including the key role of innovation and the impact of monopolistic practices.

The process of creative destruction:

Schumpeter introduces the central concept of his work: “creative destruction”. According to him, capitalism functions as a dynamic in which relentless innovation destroys existing economic models to make way for new products, processes and structures.

Destruction: Old businesses, industries and techniques are swept away, unable to compete with innovations.

Creation: This destruction generates global economic growth through the introduction of new technologies and the overturning of outdated paradigms.

This process, which drives economic progress, is also a source of political and social fragility:

It generates instability, periodic economic crises and social tensions by eliminating jobs and traditional industries.
The company is struggling adapt to the rapid changes imposed innovation.

Monopolistic practices:

Unlike classical economists who advocate perfect competition, Schumpeter notes that large companies tend to establish monopolies or limit competition in order to stabilize markets.
Paradoxically, Schumpeter considers that monopolies are not only harmful: They enable us to devote more resources to research and development (R&D), thus fostering innovation.
However, this monopolistic dynamic reduces competition and contradicts the traditional principles of capitalism, depriving the system of its intrinsic dynamism.

2. The reasons for capitalism’s decline

Schumpeter believes that capitalism is doomed to collapse, not because of its internal failures, but because of its own successes.

Capitalism’s “own victory”:

By generating immense wealth and transforming lifestyles, capitalism undermines the social and cultural values on which it is based.
Living conditions improved considerably for the majority of people. This leads to a questioning of bourgeois values, such as economic individualism, discipline and entrepreneurial spirit, which are replaced by a desire for comfort and security.

Weakening of the bourgeois class:

Schumpeter notes a profound transformation of the bourgeoisie, a class that was once combative and driven by the entrepreneurial spirit:
The contemporary bourgeoisie is becoming pessimistic about its own legitimacy, demoralized by its critics (both lower classes and intellectuals). The entrepreneurial spirit weakens, replaced by a more bureaucratic, conformist approach to the economy.

The growing role of the State:

The expansion of the welfare state also underlines a fundamental evolution in capitalism.
The State aims to correct the imperfections of the system (notably inequality and economic instability).
However, this intervention creates a growing dependence on administrative structures, further weakening the pillars of capitalism.
According to Schumpeter, in the long term, this intervention contributes to eroding the entrepreneurial dynamic that was the strength of the system.

Conclusion of this part:

For Schumpeter, capitalism is an extraordinarily efficient system, but one fraught with internal contradictions. When it triumphs by improving living conditions and multiplying innovations, it destroys the very foundations that sustain its existence, notably bourgeois values and the entrepreneurial spirit. Capitalism’s success thus leads to its structural decline, paving the way for other economic systems, notably socialism. This vision is one of Schumpeter’s most striking arguments, and remains at the heart of debates on the evolution of modern economies.

III. Can Socialism Work?

In this section, Joseph Schumpeter examines socialism as a possible alternative to capitalism, analyzing its advantages, theoretical and practical mechanisms, as well as its challenges and limitations. Unlike some of his contemporaries, Schumpeter does not dismiss socialism as unworkable or irrational. Rather, he opens up the discussion of its potential benefits, while at the same time criticizing the arguments of the defenders of capitalism, notably Ludwig von Mises, who saw socialism as a fundamentally impossible system.

1. Advantages of socialism according to Schumpeter

Schumpeter identifies several imperfections in capitalism that socialism could better resolve.

Economic stabilization:

Unlike capitalism, which is marked by recurring economic cycles and crises (growth, recession), socialism offers the possibility of centralized resource planning. This planning could reduce economic fluctuations and create lasting economic stability.

Reducing social inequalities:

The primary aim of socialism is social justice through the redistribution of wealth. It would eliminate the gaps between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, thus abolishing the class tensions that dominate capitalism.

Suppression of conflicts between workers and capitalists:

In a socialist economy controlled by public institutions, the separation between owners of the means of production (capitalists) and workers disappears. There are no longer any exploitative relationships based on individual profit.
In short, Schumpeter believed that socialism could better distribute resources and strengthen collective security, by replacing market logic with centralized planning.

2. von Mises’ criticism and Schumpeter’s response

One of the cornerstones of Schumpeter’s analysis is his response to the criticisms of Ludwig von Mises, a staunch opponent of socialism.

Von Mises position:

Von Mises asserts that socialism is intrinsically inefficient because it eliminates markets and prices. Without them, it becomes impossible to rationally calculate costs and determine the optimal way to allocate resources.

Schumpeter’s response – The “voucher” theory:

Schumpeter proposes an alternative mechanism to resolve this absence of markets in a socialist economy. He imagines a system based on vouchers allocated to consumers:
Citizens would use these vouchers to express their consumer preferences.
These requests would then be taken into account by central councils responsible for regulating production.
This mechanism would mimic market signals while relying on a planned framework, avoiding the chaos of unregulated capitalism.
Schumpeter also stressed the importance of administrative rationality and institutional innovation in overcoming the challenges of socialist economic calculation.

3. Challenges and limits of socialism

While Schumpeter recognized the advantages of socialism, he remained clear about its major challenges, particularly in terms of political and institutional organization.

Lack of separation of powers:

In a socialist regime, the economy is run directly by the stateblurring the distinction between politics and economics. This concentration of power translates into an increased risk of excessive bureaucracy and operational inefficiency. Schumpeter points out that this could stifle the autonomy of economic players and limit innovation.

Risk democratic instability:

While admitting the possibility of democratic socialism, he recognized that the balance would be fragile.
Democratic socialism could degenerate into a totalitarian regime if certain groups of power abuse centralized mechanisms, or collapse in the face of internal struggles or a lack of effective coordination.

Conclusion of this part:

Schumpeter did not reject socialism, but adopted a pragmatic and nuanced approach. In his view, socialism has real advantages over capitalism, particularly in the management of social inequalities and cyclical economic crises. However, its institutional shortcomings and tendency towards excessive concentration of power represent major obstacles to its success. Schumpeter thus paved the way for a reflection on how the shortcomings of capitalism could be corrected by planned intervention, without necessarily adopting pure socialism.

IV. Socialism and Democracy

In this part, Joseph Schumpeter tackles the relationship between socialism and democracy, two ideas often perceived as incompatible. He re-examines the foundations of democracy, proposes an alternative theory of democratic functioning and examines the challenges of a socialist democracy. The ambition of this chapter is to understand how democratic governance could be articulated within a socialist framework, while recognizing its potential weaknesses.

1. The classical doctrine of democracy

Schumpeter begins by analyzing the traditional conception of democracy, which he calls the “classical doctrine”. According to this widely-held view, democracy is based on the principle of government by the people. Citizens, working together, make decisions in the service of the “common good”.

Schumpeter’s critique:

He rejects this idealistic vision as unrealistic. In his view, the concept of “popular will” rests on a shaky foundation:

Public opinions are often incoherent and fragmented.

Average citizens tend to be misinformed and influenced by political elites or forms of propaganda, making the “general will” manipulable. This traditional view ignores the practical realities of modern political systems, where passions, vested interests and manipulation distort the decision-making process.
Instead of serving a universal common good, democracy, for Schumpeter, is subject to struggles between divergent interests, which limits its effectiveness.

2. Another theory of democracy

Schumpeter proposes an innovative redefinition of democracy. Rather than idealizing it as the direct rule of the people, he sees it as a competitive process.

Democracy as competition:

For Schumpeter, the main role of citizens in a democracy is to choose their leaders:

Elections enable political parties and leaders to compete for power.
Democracy therefore functions more like a political marketplace, in which voters decide between competing programs or candidates, without demanding direct involvement in day-to-day decisions.

Link to socialism:

This model could be applied in a socialist economy, where decentralization would avoid excessive concentration of power.
However, Schumpeter remains skeptical: he recognizes that political and economic pressures in a socialist regime risk causing it to drift towards an authoritarian or technocratic regime.

3. The structure of a possible socialist democracy

Schumpeter concludes this section by reflecting on the conditions necessary for a socialist democracy to function in the long term. He points out the risks associated with the concentration of power and proposes guidelines for its sustainability:

Rugged and balanced institutions:

In a socialist democracy, it is imperative to guarantee a separation of powers between the political, economic and administrative spheres. This would reduce abuses and limit the risk of the emergence of an authoritarian bureaucracy.
In addition, institutional safeguards should be in place to prevent the excessive accumulation of political and economic power in the hands of a few.

Civic education:

For Schumpeter, a solid civic education is indispensable for a socialist democracy. Citizens must be informed, politically aware and responsible. Such education would encourage a better understanding of political decisions and consolidate democratic stability.

The dangers failure:

Schumpeter warns of the dangers of a poorly managed socialist democracy. If it fails, it will either fall into chaos and political instability, or drift towards a totalitarian regime, sacrificing democratic freedom for bureaucratic control.

Conclusion of this part:

Schumpeter challenges the classical ideals of democracy and introduces a more realistic conception, based on political competition. Applied to socialism, this vision calls for decentralization of power and constant vigilance to avoid authoritarianism. He acknowledges that the marriage between socialism and democracy is possible in theory, but that it depends on solid institutions and enhanced civic education. The future of a socialist democracy therefore depends on a delicate balance between centralized power and enlightened popular participation.

V. History of the Socialist Parties

In the conclusion to his book, Joseph Schumpeter places his theoretical analysis of socialism in a historical perspective, discussing the origin and evolution of socialist movements, notably through their successes but also their failures. He highlights the ideological and organizational tensions that have marked the history of socialist parties, and explains why they have failed to establish fully operational socialism.

1. Historical overview

Schumpeter offers a succinct historical analysis, recognizing that his description remains partial and that an exhaustive study would go beyond the scope of his book.

The figures and movements studied:

He is particularly interested in the Austrian Marxist thinkers and the Russian Bolsheviks, who embodied two opposing visions of socialism: on the one hand, gradual reforms, and on the other, a radical revolutionary approach.
These figures show the diversity of interpretations of Marxist doctrine across Europe, as well as the evolution of socialism in the face of different political and economic contexts.

The context of failure:

According to Schumpeter, socialist movements have often found themselves locked in chaotic development and internal battles, compromising their ability to establish a genuine alternative model to capitalism.
Indeed, while socialist ideology flourished in theory, its practical application ran up against disagreements over the means of action, leading to divisions within the parties.

2. The failure of socialist parties

Schumpeter identifies the structural and organizational weaknesses of socialist parties as the main causes of their inability to achieve their objectives.

Internal dissension:

A fundamental split is emerging within the socialist parties between two approaches:
Reformist socialism: This path advocates progressive, democratic change through legislative reforms designed to improve workers’ living conditions and promote a gradual transition to socialism.
Revolutionary socialism: This more radical current favors a violent break with capitalism, through revolutions that directly abolish existing structures.
These ideological differences made a unified vision difficult, leading to internal splits and a loss of cohesion.

Pragmatism vs. ideology:

In trying to adapt to political realities, reformist socialist parties have often compromised with capitalist institutions to achieve social advances (e.g. workers’ rights, welfare state).
However, these concessions weakened their initial ideological narrative. Often absorbed by the capitalist system they denounced, these parties sometimes disappointed their militant bases, reinforcing a gradual disenchantment.

The case of the Bolsheviks:

Schumpeter also analyzes the Bolshevik experience, which he sees as a particular implementation of socialism. He points out that, although they were able to seize power in Russia, the Bolsheviks set up an authoritarian regime far removed from the democratic ideals advocated by many Western socialists. This led to an even greater rift between the different branches of socialism.

3. Why have socialist parties not succeeded?

Schumpeter concludes that the failures of socialist parties stem not only from external factors (resistance from capitalist elites or the public), but also from internal and structural contradictions:

The lack of a coherent strategy:

Dissensions between reformists and revolutionaries have prevented the parties from defining a clear direction or a universally accepted roadmap.

The democracy trap:

Those who chose the reformist path in democratic regimes found themselves absorbed by the system they sought to transform. By accepting the compromises inherent in parliamentary democracy, they lost their revolutionary capacity.

The dangers of radicalism:

Revolutionary strategies, on the other hand, have often degenerated into authoritarian regimes, as in Soviet Russia, where the goal of equality was sacrificed in the name of social justice.
control and efficiency.

Conclusion of this part:

For Schumpeter, the history of socialist parties illustrates the great ideological and strategic tensions that accompany any attempt at radical social transformation. These movements were unable to overcome their internal divisions, or to strike a balance between political pragmatism and fidelity to their ideals. However, Schumpeter points out that, even if institutionalized socialist parties have failed, socialist ideas themselves continue to shape the political and economic landscape, influencing democratic organization and the welfare state. These developments suggest a lasting legacy, despite the failure to realize a pure socialist project.

VI. Appendix: The March Towards Socialism

In this appendix, added to some editions, Joseph Schumpeter sets out his final thoughts on the inevitability of the march towards socialism, reinforcing and clarifying his central thesis. In it, he confirms his view that the replacement of capitalism by socialism is not a political or ideological choice, but rather a natural consequence of the internal dynamics of advanced societies. This appendix, written at the end of his life, expresses a vision of this inevitable future that is both analytical and resigned.

1. Confirmation of the main thesis: capitalism doomed to replacement

Schumpeter repeats and develops his central argument: capitalism, despite its unprecedented economic efficiency, is a system destined to evolve into socialism.

An inevitable historical process:

Schumpeter sees this transition as a structural historical process, not as an ideological crusade or the fruit of a deliberate political decision. It is a natural movement arising from the very successes of capitalism, in particular :
Wealth accumulation: Capitalism, by improving living conditions in advanced countries, is undermining the foundations of its own values (entrepreneurial spirit, ordered individualism, etc.).

The degradation of bourgeois values:

The emergence of critical intellectuals and the weakening of capitalism’s moral legitimacy accelerated this evolution.
The increasing development of centralized administrative structures, which are becoming indispensable in modern, complex societies.

Natural transition to socialism:

The gradual disappearance of small businesses in favor of large hierarchical organizations (monopolies, bureaucratic enterprises) creates a favorable environment for centralized planning, the cornerstone of socialism.
This is not a brutal revolution, but a gradual historical shift, with the state assuming more and more economic and social functions.

2. Perspectives on the future of socialism

Schumpeter explores how socialism might gradually take hold, and what post-capitalist societies might look like.

Greater state dominance:

Schumpeter predicted increasing state intervention in all aspects of society. Its economic functions will expand to include :
Comprehensive resource planning, to regulate the economy and minimize
Extending social policies to reduce inequalities and guarantee high living standards.
According to Schumpeter, this transformation will be reinforced by the institutionalization of an efficient bureaucracy.

Complex administrative structures:

With the progression towards administrative socialism, modern societies will rely heavily on hierarchical structures and centralized coordination. However, Schumpeter recognized the risks inherent in this centralization of power, including:

A rigid bureaucracy lacking the dynamism of capitalism. A risk of social unrest, if administrative structures fail to preserve the democratic participation of the population.

The balance between democracy and socialism:

According to Schumpeter, these trends suggest that socialism could evolve within a partially preserved democratic framework. Nevertheless, he fears that administrative complexity and new bureaucratic elites disconnected from the citizenry could undermine these democratic institutions.

3. Conclusion: an ambivalent view of the future

For Schumpeter, the march towards socialism is both inevitable and ambivalent:

An adaptive system:

Capitalism would give way to an individualized version of socialism, different from the revolutionary model imagined by Marx. This socialism will be institutionalized by the state and based on administrative planning in advanced societies.

The risks of such a future:

Despite its inevitability, socialism does not guarantee smooth progress. The very efficiency of its centralized administrative structures could stifle innovation, individual freedom and plurality of opinion, essential features of capitalism.
In short, Schumpeter does not advocate socialism, but recognizes its advent as the natural historical product of the internal mutations of capitalism. He ends on a note of analytical detachment, reminding us that the history of economic systems is a process in constant motion, where each stage is both the result and the cause of new transformations.

VII. Contemporary perspectives and the relevance of the book

In this final section, Joseph Schumpeter reflects on the timelessness of his analysis and the relevance of his concepts to understanding both modern capitalism and the intellectual contributions of Marx. Although his work is rooted in the context of the first half of the twentieth century, he believes that his reflections remain essential for understanding future economic and social dynamics.

1. The relevance of the analysis of capitalism

Schumpeter insists on the enduring value of his critical, theoretical approach to capitalism, which continues to provide tools for analyzing modern economic transformations.

“Creative destruction”: a central and timeless concept

His famous concept of creative destruction remains a fundamental framework for understanding the evolution of economies. This process, in which innovation disrupts is still at the heart of contemporary capitalism:
The rise of digital technologies, for example, illustrates how innovation destroys old models (traditional industries, manual labor) while creating new ones (digital economy, automation).
Entrepreneurs, whom Schumpeter saw as the driving force behind capitalism, continue to play a central role in innovation cycles.
This process, while essential to progress, remains a source of social tension, leading to crises of adaptation, increased inequality and economic instability similar to that described by Schumpeter.

A prescient look at advanced capitalism

Schumpeter foresaw that large corporations would gradually assume a dominant position, supplanting the ideal competition advocated by classical economists. This vision is echoed in the current rise of technological monopolies and large multinational corporations.
Moreover, the increasing reliance on state intervention, illustrated by the expansion of state aid and regulation programs in global crises (e.g. 2008 or COVID-19), reflects his idea of a gradual transition from capitalism to a more administered economy.

2. Marx’s intellectual contributions and their significance

Although Marxism has lost political influence in the contemporary world,
Schumpeter believes that Karl Marx’s analyses remain intellectually relevant. He emphasizes the need to preserve Marx’s memory and theoretical legacy, in order to understand economic and social dynamics.

A balanced examination of Marx:

Schumpeter was careful to distinguish Marx’s predictive errors from his impressive conceptual rigor. From this perspective, he reaffirmed Marx’s usefulness for : Understand the social dynamics of class tensions in a capitalist system.
Analyze historical processes as sequences determined by structural economic transformations, what he calls “historical materialism”.

The historical and intellectual relevance of Marx:

Schumpeter lamented that many of his contemporaries rejected Marx simply because of the controversial political impact of his ideas (notably through authoritarian regimes). For him, Marx remains a key figure in understanding the economic forces shaping human history.

3. A work still relevant today

In conclusion, Schumpeter points out that, although his book was written at a specific time, it remains useful for understanding developments in the 21st century, not least because it offers :

A holistic analysis of capitalism and its alternatives (socialism and democracy), integrating economics, sociology and politics into a coherent vision.
A critical method, allowing us to nuance the often caricatured ideologies associated with debates on capitalism and socialism.
Schumpeter believes that his work, by bringing together the forces of thought of Marx and of classical economists, provides an enduring intellectual framework, not for predicting a specific future, but for analyzing the structural transformations of modern economies and societies.


Schumpeter concludes his work by reaffirming the relevance of his approach and emphasizing the lessons to be learned from Marx and his own theories. While concepts such as creative destruction continue to shape our understanding of cycles of innovation and economic transformation, Schumpeter stands out as a key thinker for analyzing the current evolution of advanced capitalism. By integrating history, sociology and economics, his book remains a reference work for understanding the tensions and mutations of contemporary economic systems.


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