Categories: Relationships

The 3% Rule In Relationships

It’s not easy to know right away if the person we’re dealing with is trustworthy or of high quality. In most cases, our intuition is either dormant or simply a poor advisor. Given this situation, we need to apply the 3% rule.

The 3% rule

It’s a simple rule, stating that you should only make decisions in 3% of cases to form friendships or make important choices. The rest of the time, you should either wait or do inner work (to improve your intuition, among other things, see below). You should only decide when you are absolutely sure, which only happens in 3 percent of cases on average.

[Contradiction of the rule: Some people – notably Alex Hormozi – suggest the opposite. According to them, a decision is important because it is difficult to make. It is the riskiest and ultimately the most uncertain decisions that potentially lead to the greatest successes but also to the greatest disasters.]

Our intuition doesn’t always work

There are several reasons that can explain why our intuition is not performing well. You see, our intuition is a kind of second brain. It collects information from all sides: mainly from our senses and puts it into perspective with our experiences. When we are plunged into a totally new environment, it’s not easy to rely on our intuition because it cannot be based on past circumstances. That’s why it’s good to travel and accumulate different experiences. These will help us build new databases from which we can draw to develop our intuitive diagnoses.

Collecting new information unconsciously

To progress in the field of intuition, you can resort to several things. Here is a non-exhaustive list of things you can do to develop your intuition:

  • travel
  • develop your multiple intelligences (kinesthetic, musical, visual-spatial, etc.); that is to say, engage in sports, play a musical instrument, etc.
  • get more sleep
  • meditate
  • etc.

Make your unconscious work

Your unconscious mind is working all the time. Yet it is often despised because people ignore its power. Conscious work is important, but it should be consciously associated with unconscious work. Great champions, artists, and scientists know this. What makes the difference between what is good and what is excellent is deliberate unconscious work.

Your intuition has disappeared

Conversely, there are many reasons that can explain the disappearance of our intuition. In fact, it doesn’t really disappear, but it becomes muffled. When you seek distraction in one way or another, you are fleeing your intuition. There are different ways to flee your intuition. Here are some examples:

  • Disguised escape:
    • Traditional distraction: sports, series, video games, etc.
    • Some people use work to hide and obscure the central questions of their lives. Their work offers them a formidable reason and social recognition at the same time. The problem is that deep down, they know there is a lack, but they prefer to wear the mask of the compulsive worker, which is much more comfortable for them (only in the short term).

Give importance back to your intuition

If you get too used to doing what you’re told to do, you’ll quickly start acting automatically. You must lose this bad habit and regain control of your life. You only have one life (and even if you believe in reincarnation: you cannot live this same life twice), so you must take care of it. There is nothing worse than waking up one morning and realizing that you have missed your life. Intuition is what will help you reconnect to your source.

What is your source?

You were born for a specific purpose, your passage on earth was the result of a celestial vow. The problem is that once we land, we forget the divine purpose that was the origin of our coming. The purpose of life is to rediscover this mission. Many people miss their lives and will never discover the reason for their presence here on earth.

True knowledge is never without consequence

Someone who has truly become aware of their source will act differently from others. There is no true knowledge without true change. If you regret that you haven’t yet managed to change your way of being and your actions, it’s mainly because you haven’t done enough work in the quest for your purpose on earth. If you had really had a revelation, you would have changed resolutely.

What to remember?

  • Your intuition is precious and must be cultivated
  • You should only make decisions in 3 percent of cases when “all the stars are aligned,” meaning you are firmly convinced that it is the right decision you are making
  • You should prioritize finding your mission on earth, and this involves developing your intuition

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