
Knowledge Needs To Be Embodied In Action…

… the rest can stay stored on computer servers

There is a growing gap between the knowledge stored on computer servers and the knowledge stored in the heads of humans. Previously, when only books could store knowledge, humans could still compete with these “storage spaces” by dedicating their lives to scholarship. Moreover, much knowledge was not stored in books because of oral traditions, so there was a real superiority of human brains over books. Today, it is a lost cause, no human can claim to compete with any AI and it would seem futile to try to do so, the added value of humans lies elsewhere.

The Need To Embody Knowledge

However, knowledge needs to be embodied for the simple fact that in order to act as an expert, man needs to store a certain amount of knowledge.

The human brain is not meant to be a vulgar data storage space. If we can make a comparison with computers, humans are like computers with a lot of RAM, calculation capacity (processor) and a little memory (hard disk). To obtain a high level of mastery in a field, one must go through several stages:
– Unaware/incompetent: The person is not aware of his or her incompetence
– Aware / Incompetent: The person is unaware of his or her incompetence
– Aware / Competent: The person is aware of his or her competence
– Unaware / competent: The person is not aware of his or her competence

To be conscious is to store information on one’s hard drive. To be unconscious is to act with one’s memory, everything becomes faster and more intuitive.

The Problem Of Erudition

When we choose to store knowledge for the simple fact of storing it, we only use our hard drive, we cannot have a large RAM because by definition it must be linked to action. We can’t have a large RAM because it has to be linked to action. Knowledge paralyses us in a way because it would mean operating with a full hard drive and therefore slowing down our action. The brain is not the best place to store data, there are materials that do this much better.

Action Is Knowledge

We assimilate something better if we put it into practice. Acting on limited knowledge is often better than not acting and having immense knowledge. When we act, we wire our brain in a certain way, which allows it to create rapid connections between neurons.

Reaching The State Of Competent Unconsciousness

Deliberate Practice

In order for conscious knowledge to become unconscious, it is necessary to make a sustained and continuous effort in the field in question. This is the famous 10,000 hour theory. Even if it has been somewhat distorted by its popularizer (Malcolm Glawell), it is still interesting. Time is an important resource, but you must also combine it with a high level of concentration and energy in order to get the best returns on your work. For knowledge to become second nature you need to put it into practice a lot.

Avoid Becoming Obsolete

To avoid being useless in today’s age, you need to acquire a high level in rare skills or be very good in several skills that serve the same purpose. When you can access the best services from all over the world thanks to the internet, the following phenomenon happens: the majority of people want to access the best services as long as they are sure to reach the goal they have set (“the winner takes it all”). That’s why it makes much more sense to be the best in a very small specialized niche than to be very good in a more generalized field. The future belongs to those who think outside the box and manage to create a space where they have no competitors because the value they bring is so great.


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