… that you need to know how to answer
You have values that you hold dear. Some of them have been transmitted to you during your childhood, others are the result of your own personal construction. Values, those intangible things that are sometimes difficult to define, are the foundations of the definition you give to your success. They give a trajectory towards which you tend consciously or not.
Download the mind map allowing you to define the foundations of your success
A cognitive dissonance is an internal contradiction. It is when our thoughts, emotions, values and behaviors are no longer in sync. You probably cultivate some form of dissonance to some degree. We are all victims of it to some degree. Why is this a problem? Well, these dissonances can get in the way of your success. Imagine that you consciously want to become financially comfortable. At the same time, you follow a spiritual trend that advocates a certain frugality or even asceticism because it is considered to be the proof of your commitment to this path. In this case, you will have to choose or redefine the contours of your spiritual avatar because these two desires conflict.
You are human and have needs and desires that are shared by billions of others. Despite this, each individual is special because he or she has a unique combination of desires in unique proportions. That’s why it’s an illusion to try to follow in someone else’s footsteps. You can be inspired, but ape someone else will never be of much use to you.
There are a thousand reasons why you are unique: your DNA, your birthplace, your personal history, your qualities, your flaws etc. For all these reasons, there is only one way to succeed from your own point of view: yours.
Imagine that you are a delicious dish. Sure, you’ve taken ingredients from other dishes, your recipe is even inspired by other existing recipes. However, your success lies in the fact that you were able to offer something different and tasty at the same time.
Download the mind map to find your recipe for success
Once you have defined your formula for success, follow the principles in line with your value system
Blaming others or your situation takes away the power you have to change things. Not taking responsibility for your situation makes you passive about your destiny.
If you don’t know what you want to achieve, how will you expect it? A clear plan and goals give you a direction, which allows you to focus in one direction. Being successful is often just a matter of focusing your efforts in one direction.
You need to believe or you will give up. Belief in your project gives you the energy and perseverance to continue.
The more you visualize something in detail, in your head and in your heart, the more your unconscious self will work for you to help make that vision a reality.
Assume that you already have/are what you are looking for. Your unconscious being will readjust to coincide with your behavior.
Nothing meaningful happens without a lot of strategically directed work.
It takes courage to make your dreams come true.
A mentor points out what’s wrong. You don’t have to be complacent about your situation. Accepting criticism and acting on it is essential to progress.
Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. Winston Churchill
It is normal to have moments of low points, moments of doubt. However, those who manage to succeed in their field over the long term keep their enthusiasm deep inside. They do not let themselves be overwhelmed by events.
He who does not improve every day, goes backward every day. Confucius
Striving to be better than the day before will keep you on track and allow you to reach new heights.
It is up to you to find the laws that correspond to the type of path you have chosen (spiritual, humanistic, etc.)
Download the mind map to envision the paths to your own success
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